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Tengo una mancha oscura por haberme sacado la costra hace un mes me paso eso y he utilizado crema de nácar pero no me funciona:(
Preguntas y respuestas relacionadas
Test ingles
Necesito que me ayude en el siguiente test, son 20 preguntas con 3 opciones a respuesta correcta ( a, b, c. Seria de gran ayuda para mí que me mandara las respuestas ( para aclararme me puede mandar, por ejemplo: 1a. 2c, 3b. Etc..) Gracias y espero q...
6 respuestas
Who gambles? What can you say about gambling?
Always choose a casino among those licensed to certify the software, as well as the website that is more generous in paying bonuses for registration. See the list of casinos that spend the largest bonuses without making a deposit Blackjack online ....
21 respuestas
¿Rastreo gps de flotilla de operadores mediante android?
Tengo una flotilla de grúas de 5 unidades, de momento cuentan con un gps por parte de AT&T . Como tal AT&T cuenta con una plataforma GPS como cualquier proveedor de GPS. Adicional a esto quiero establecer un sistema de rastreo mediante los teléfonos...
1 respuesta
Amity University has made great strides in supporting the internationalization of the campus.
Amity University has made great strides in supporting the internationalization of the campus. The aim is to create a multicultural environment that allows for a truly international and collaborative learning process. Highlighting Beautiful modern...
10 respuestas
What are some fun things to do on the Internet with no friends?
Just pickup any random skill and start learning, don’t worry about the outcomes, just learn it. You never know when that skill will become useful to you in the future. Steve jobs took a class on calligraphy during his college days, and that skill...
14 respuestas
¿Peeling contra cicatrices?
Mi pregunta es acerca de las cicatrices de acné que son pequenios agujeros. Fui con mi dermatóloga y me recomendó un peeling hecho con la mezcla de 2 cremas, en cantidades iguales. Las cremas son Stieva-A .100% y Eldoquin 4%. Efectivamente las cremas...
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Man U win on Poker penalties
The Daily Mail report on the Poker Community Shield, which Manchester United won on penalties against Chelsea. Sir Alex Ferguson says that it's just the start of something special and his team are better than they were last season, yadda yadda yadda....
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How to set up your business
¿What are some tips for starting up your own small business?
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How can we develop our e-commerce business?
E-Commerce has become one of the developing businesses. There are several techniques to develop your e-commerce business but the most commonly used technique is to take the best e-commerce SEO service, from SEO service you can not only develop your...
17 respuestas
How To Tadalista CT 20mg Work :
Tadalista CT 20mg medicine is raise level of tadalafil & relaxes flatten muscle of arteries & recover the level of flowing blood into vein & your penis is engorged. We have begin to share some amazing articles related to healths, Which you may love!...
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Belleza y Cuidado corporal