Musica del anuncio de "griferias roca"

Hola. He puesto la pregunta en el tablon un par de veces, pero me dieron respuestas incorrectas. ¿sabriais decirme de quien es o cÓmo se titula la cancion del anuncio de griferias roca? Ya sabeis, las gotitas de lluvia que vuelven al grifo. Dice algo asi como back to the place where we belong, back to the world...muchas gracias.

1 respuesta

Creo que es "River of diamonds" de P.J.Harvey & Family Cat. Lo que pasa es que estoy esperando ver de nuevo el anuncio y no lo consigo.
Un saludo.
La letra de esta canción es:
River of diamonds
As I wander madly long this sun-cracked river bed
A hundred carrion crows are circling
High above my head
They cast an evil shadow as they wheel and cry above
Me, I'm just walking down the river
Searching for
Where is the place where I belong
Carry on carry on carry on
Back to the place where you belong
The clouds hand deep and heavy
As I see the house below
A wind both kind and fragrant melts the last
Remnants of snow
I'm crazy and you know it as I walk this final mile
Me, I'm just walking down the river
Searching for
Where is the place where I belong
Carry on carry on carry on
Back to the place where you belong
A cat slinks out beneath me as I take a step inside
The dust lies thick and heavy on the things
I owned with pride
The memory of your face still lingers
And your spirit too
Me, I'm just walking down the river
Searching for
Where is the place where I belong
Carry on carry on carry on
Back to the place where you belong

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