Me podría hacer lo mismo con una redaccion sobre el Papa y otra sobre la Eutanasia. Le agradeceria si me lo hace para antes del viernes ya que tengo un examen. Muchas gracias por todo y gracias por la otra me ayudará mucho
Siento no haberte podido responder antes, pero es que he estado casi dos dias sin internet. A ver si esto te sirve: THE POPE The term "pope" comes from a Greek word that means "father". Nowadays it is used only to refer to the bishop of Rome and head of the Roman Catholic church. The Pope is chosen by the members of the College of Cardinals; although candidates must not necessarily belong to this College, the Pope is usually a cardinal or bishop, although technically it could be anyone (even non-Catholics!) Recently chosen Pope Benedict XVI is the 265th since the fist one, Saint Peter. Euthanasia Euthanasia is the intentional killing of a dependent human being, supposedly for his or her benefit. This can be done both by act or by omission. Euthanasia often arises polemic between those that defend it and those who are against it. The former claim that it is merciful to end with someone's life when he or she cannot live decently. The latter believe that no one has the right to take a human being's life.