Ayuda con la interpretacion

Hola experto dame una orientación:
En la canción : Powerless (Nelly Furtado)
hay unas partes que me parecen extrañas: es la parte que está así >>>>>><<<<<<<
Powerless (Say What You Want) lyrics
Paint my face in your magazines
Make it look whiter than it seems
Paint me over with your dreams
Shove away my ethnicity
Burn every notion that I may have a flame inside to fight
And say just what is on my mind
Without offending your might
Cuz this life is too short to live it just for you
But when you feel so powerless what are you gonna do
So say what you want
Say what you want
I saw her face outside today
Weatherworn, looking all the rage
They took her passion and her gaze and made a poster
Now it?s moccasins we sport
We take the culture and contort
Perhaps only to distort what we are hiding
Cuz this life is too short to live it just for you
But when you feel so powerless what are you gonna do
But say what you want
Say what you want
>>>>>>>Hey you, the one, the one outside, are you ever gonna get in, get in
Hey you, the one that don?t fit in, how ya, how ya gonna get in
Hey you, the one outside, are you ever gonna get in with your
Broken teeth, broken jaw, broken mojo<<<<<<<
Yeah, this life is too short to live it just for you
But when you feel so powerless, what are you gonna do
Cuz this life is too short to live it just for you
But when you feel so powerless, what are you gonna do
Cuz this life is too short to live it just for you
But when you feel so powerless, what are you gonna do
Say what you want, say what you want, say, say, say
Cuz this life is too short,
just for you
broken teeth?? Broken jaw?? Broken mojo??????
Espero me puedas ayudar experto.

1 Respuesta

La verdad es que sí es una letra un poco rara. La parte que mencionas no tiene otra traducción aparte de la literal ("¿cómo vas a entrar con tus dientes rotos, tu mandíbula rota, con tu *mojo* roto?")
* Me imagino que en este caso "mojo" se refiere a la potencia sexual masculina, aunque la palabra tiene varios significados.
No sé qué interpretación puede tener esa línea, pero es la misma en español que en inglés (no se me ocurre nada, como no se refiera a que el tipo haya sido boxeador, o algo así, y realmente tenga rotos los dientes y la mandíbula, y además el pobre no dé mucho de sí).
Siento no poderte decir nada más concreto, pero sí te aclaro que la traducción es literal.

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