Importacion de equipamientos industriales
Hola! Hay una información que estoy buscando por todas partes y no la puedo encontrar. ¿Sabés cuáles son las principales caracteristicas del regimen de importacion en la argentina de equipamientos industriales? Cualquier información me es util. Desde ya, muchas gracias.
1 Respuesta

Tendrías que ser un poco más específica ya que hay muchas partidas que pueden entrar dentro de la definición de equipamiento industrial. Te recomiendo vayas a los códigos armonizados (el más habitual es el HS, puedes buscar dentro de la partida 84). Por ejemplo, las partidas relativas a máquinas herramienta llevan un 14% de tarifa arancelaria.
Te adjunto información general sobre importación en Argentina.
Tariff Classification
Argentina uses the Common Nomenclature of Mercosur (NCM) for classification. The eleven digit NCM is modeled after the WCO Harmonized System up to the first six digits. Digits seven and eight are reserved for Mercosur with the remainder used for national classification which identify certain restrictions and exception to the common external tariff.
Resolution AFIP No. 1004 dated 10 May, 2001 permits reference pricing as a precautionary step for duty evasion. AFIP Resolution No. 1661 of 23 March, 2004 and Resolution No. 1870 of 14 April, 2005 set forth an extensive list of merchandise subject to reference pricing and establishes 17 groups of countries whose goods are subject to reference prices. Some EU countries such as Poland and Germany are included in more than one group. Imported merchandise subject to reference pricing with a declared value below the established threshold will not be released from Customs without a bond from the importer to secure the difference.
Language for Documentation
The official language for import documentation is Spanish. Official documents presented before authorities of the Argentine government that are not in Spanish, require an attachment of an official translation into Spanish by a public translator (Traductor publico) certified by the Translators Association.
Currency and Payments
In June of 2005, the Central Bank of Argentina directed importers to pay for specific imported goods prior to shipment date. The goods affected were primarily consumer goods. On 2 March of 2006 the order was suspended by Circular No. 4496/2006.
The Instituto Argentino de Racionalizacion de Materiales(IRAM) is responsible for establishing national standards under Decreto No. 1474, dated August 23, 1994. MERCOSUR normas (rules) are followed on a regional level and ISO standards on an international level. Below is a list of items requiring certification for safety standards and the corresponding national regulations. Information to obtain certification for the listed items is available in the guide, INTI Reglamento de Certificacion (Rules for Certification), version 002, dated 5/05/04.
Toys - Res. 851/1998 and 162/2001
Child-proof containers - Res. 730/1998
Cement - Res. 92/1998
Household electrical appliances - Res. 92/1998
Energy appliance labeling - Res. 319/1999
Steel (rebar for re-inforced cement) - Res. 404/1999
Footwear (marking requirements) - Res. 508/1999
Paper - Res. 653/1999
Gas (propane) appliances - Res. Ex SICyM and Normativa de ENARGAS
Personal security equipment - Res. 896/1999
Autoparts (for replacement) - Res. 91/2001
Licensing for Imported Autos - Res. 64/2001
Meshing for hail protection - Ley 25174/99
Bicycles - Res. 220/2003
International Agreements
MERCOSUR (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay) - Chile and Bolivia became associate member in 1996
ALADI - Mercosur members, Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador; Peru, Venezuela, and Mexico
FTA with Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela
Preferential Treatment
MERCOSUR and ALADI regional preferences and bilaterals. With the gradual harmonization of phytosanitary requirements within the MERCOSUR countries and regional integration entities such as COSAVE (Committee for plant Health of the Southern Cone Region), most of Argentina's needs for fresh fruit and vegetables are served by countries within the southern cone and Andean region.
Main Laws Covering Import Procedures
The Argentine customs legislation is composed of:
* Customs Code Law No. 22,415
* Regulatory Decree No. 1001/82
* Protocols of MERCOSUR Treaty
Registration of Importers
Importers and exporters are required to register with the Directorate General of Customs. Registration with AFIP - Federal Revenue Administration is also required in order to obtain the tax payer identification number known as the CUIT number. The CUIT number is required for registering with all intervening government authorities such as ANMAT and SENASA.
Customs Procedures
Import entries are filed using the Customs' electronic filing system known as SIM (Sistema Informatico Maria). Once the entry is submitted electronically, form OM 1993 is then presented to Customs with the following general documentation:
* Commercial invoice indicating freight and insurance costs
* Packing List
* Certificate of origin
* Bill of Lading, hazardous cargo declaration if applicable
* Phytosanitary, Zoosanitary, Health Certificates depending on commodity
Applicable duties and taxes are paid by the importer through the SIM system. Customs then determines if the entry will be channelled green, orange, or red. Green is immediate release, orange will be submitted to document review and possible inspection, red is full inspection of documents and cargo.
Imported merchandise subject to referencial princing with a declared value below the established threshold will not be released from Customs without a bond from the importer to secure the difference.
Customs Regimes
Customs regulations establish the following entry types:
* Definitive home consumption
* Warehouse
* Free trade zone
* Temporary (Argentina does not accept ATA carnet)
Under this regime, goods may remain stored under Warehouse entry for 45 days with an extension period of another 45 days when granted by Customs. Goods remain under Customs control yet exempt from import duties and taxes. Service fees and statistical fees still apply. If goods imported under this procedure are finally imported for home use into Argentina, import duties will apply.
Free Trade Zones
Argentine Law 24331 of 1994 governs FTZ procedures. Goods produced within a FTZ are suspended from paying duty but goods produced within a FTZ generally cannot be shipped within the commerce of Argentina unless they are capital goods not available in the rest of the country.
Tax Payer Registration Code Number (CUIT)
Last updated on 24-07-2007
All companies engaged in importing or exporting must be registered with the Federal Revenue Administration (AFIP) in order to obtain the C.U.I.T. number (Clave unica de Identification Tributaria). The C.U.I.T. number or tax payer I.D. is required to register with customs and with other intervening government agencies such as SENASA and ANMAT.
AFIP - Administracion Federal de Ingresos Publicos
Federal Revenue Administration
Customs Importer Registration Form
Last updated on 24-07-2007
Argentine law requires all importers and exporters to register with the General Directorate of Customs. Prior to registering with Customs, the importer is required to have a tax payer identification number known as the CUIT - Clave Unica de Identificacion Tributaria.
The importer or attorney-in-fact can submit the application directly to Directorate General of Customs or through a notary public.
Te adjunto información general sobre importación en Argentina.
Tariff Classification
Argentina uses the Common Nomenclature of Mercosur (NCM) for classification. The eleven digit NCM is modeled after the WCO Harmonized System up to the first six digits. Digits seven and eight are reserved for Mercosur with the remainder used for national classification which identify certain restrictions and exception to the common external tariff.
Resolution AFIP No. 1004 dated 10 May, 2001 permits reference pricing as a precautionary step for duty evasion. AFIP Resolution No. 1661 of 23 March, 2004 and Resolution No. 1870 of 14 April, 2005 set forth an extensive list of merchandise subject to reference pricing and establishes 17 groups of countries whose goods are subject to reference prices. Some EU countries such as Poland and Germany are included in more than one group. Imported merchandise subject to reference pricing with a declared value below the established threshold will not be released from Customs without a bond from the importer to secure the difference.
Language for Documentation
The official language for import documentation is Spanish. Official documents presented before authorities of the Argentine government that are not in Spanish, require an attachment of an official translation into Spanish by a public translator (Traductor publico) certified by the Translators Association.
Currency and Payments
In June of 2005, the Central Bank of Argentina directed importers to pay for specific imported goods prior to shipment date. The goods affected were primarily consumer goods. On 2 March of 2006 the order was suspended by Circular No. 4496/2006.
The Instituto Argentino de Racionalizacion de Materiales(IRAM) is responsible for establishing national standards under Decreto No. 1474, dated August 23, 1994. MERCOSUR normas (rules) are followed on a regional level and ISO standards on an international level. Below is a list of items requiring certification for safety standards and the corresponding national regulations. Information to obtain certification for the listed items is available in the guide, INTI Reglamento de Certificacion (Rules for Certification), version 002, dated 5/05/04.
Toys - Res. 851/1998 and 162/2001
Child-proof containers - Res. 730/1998
Cement - Res. 92/1998
Household electrical appliances - Res. 92/1998
Energy appliance labeling - Res. 319/1999
Steel (rebar for re-inforced cement) - Res. 404/1999
Footwear (marking requirements) - Res. 508/1999
Paper - Res. 653/1999
Gas (propane) appliances - Res. Ex SICyM and Normativa de ENARGAS
Personal security equipment - Res. 896/1999
Autoparts (for replacement) - Res. 91/2001
Licensing for Imported Autos - Res. 64/2001
Meshing for hail protection - Ley 25174/99
Bicycles - Res. 220/2003
International Agreements
MERCOSUR (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay) - Chile and Bolivia became associate member in 1996
ALADI - Mercosur members, Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador; Peru, Venezuela, and Mexico
FTA with Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela
Preferential Treatment
MERCOSUR and ALADI regional preferences and bilaterals. With the gradual harmonization of phytosanitary requirements within the MERCOSUR countries and regional integration entities such as COSAVE (Committee for plant Health of the Southern Cone Region), most of Argentina's needs for fresh fruit and vegetables are served by countries within the southern cone and Andean region.
Main Laws Covering Import Procedures
The Argentine customs legislation is composed of:
* Customs Code Law No. 22,415
* Regulatory Decree No. 1001/82
* Protocols of MERCOSUR Treaty
Registration of Importers
Importers and exporters are required to register with the Directorate General of Customs. Registration with AFIP - Federal Revenue Administration is also required in order to obtain the tax payer identification number known as the CUIT number. The CUIT number is required for registering with all intervening government authorities such as ANMAT and SENASA.
Customs Procedures
Import entries are filed using the Customs' electronic filing system known as SIM (Sistema Informatico Maria). Once the entry is submitted electronically, form OM 1993 is then presented to Customs with the following general documentation:
* Commercial invoice indicating freight and insurance costs
* Packing List
* Certificate of origin
* Bill of Lading, hazardous cargo declaration if applicable
* Phytosanitary, Zoosanitary, Health Certificates depending on commodity
Applicable duties and taxes are paid by the importer through the SIM system. Customs then determines if the entry will be channelled green, orange, or red. Green is immediate release, orange will be submitted to document review and possible inspection, red is full inspection of documents and cargo.
Imported merchandise subject to referencial princing with a declared value below the established threshold will not be released from Customs without a bond from the importer to secure the difference.
Customs Regimes
Customs regulations establish the following entry types:
* Definitive home consumption
* Warehouse
* Free trade zone
* Temporary (Argentina does not accept ATA carnet)
Under this regime, goods may remain stored under Warehouse entry for 45 days with an extension period of another 45 days when granted by Customs. Goods remain under Customs control yet exempt from import duties and taxes. Service fees and statistical fees still apply. If goods imported under this procedure are finally imported for home use into Argentina, import duties will apply.
Free Trade Zones
Argentine Law 24331 of 1994 governs FTZ procedures. Goods produced within a FTZ are suspended from paying duty but goods produced within a FTZ generally cannot be shipped within the commerce of Argentina unless they are capital goods not available in the rest of the country.
Tax Payer Registration Code Number (CUIT)
Last updated on 24-07-2007
All companies engaged in importing or exporting must be registered with the Federal Revenue Administration (AFIP) in order to obtain the C.U.I.T. number (Clave unica de Identification Tributaria). The C.U.I.T. number or tax payer I.D. is required to register with customs and with other intervening government agencies such as SENASA and ANMAT.
AFIP - Administracion Federal de Ingresos Publicos
Federal Revenue Administration
Customs Importer Registration Form
Last updated on 24-07-2007
Argentine law requires all importers and exporters to register with the General Directorate of Customs. Prior to registering with Customs, the importer is required to have a tax payer identification number known as the CUIT - Clave Unica de Identificacion Tributaria.
The importer or attorney-in-fact can submit the application directly to Directorate General of Customs or through a notary public.
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