Necesitamos asesorìa ya que tenemos problemas al exportar la informaciòn de un dataobject a Excel, y el problema es que en el DataObject existen campos tipo "compute" y èstos mandan llamar una funciòn global, el problema es que estos campos no me los exporta a excel, todos los demàs campos sì los exporta pero los compute que mandan llamar una funciòn no los exporta.
2 Respuestas
Respuesta de aldob
aldob, Ingeniero en Sistemas con amplia experiencia en desarrollo de...
Este informe de sybase a ver si se soluciona: One of the challenges facing developers is the exporting of datawindow reports into a format that is interchangeable with other applications (such as MS Excel, Word, email etc). Currently PowerBuilder provides the ability to save data in many different formats using the SaveAs function. The more common format is Excel so the data can be used in spreadsheets. The limitation in using the SaveAs for Excel is that the data saved IS NOT the data displayed but rather the data that's in the datawindow buffer, and groupings, crosstabs, computed fields, etc. are lost. The data in the primary buffer is saved and the column order is determined by the order of the columns when the DataWindow was first created in the SQL Painter. The output data may not be what was expected and may not be useable without modification. To output crosstab, group, computed fields, etc. in Excel format would be impracticable since it is impossible to fully represent the visual data in a true Excel format. A new DataWindow function has been added to PowerBuilder 6.5 (after build 444) that resolves the limitations of the SaveAs function, it's called the SaveAsAscii function. It allows the output of data to a text file in a format that is representative of the visual presentation of the Datawindow. Groups, crosstabs, computed columns, etc. are saved as part of the output data. Description Saves the contents of a DataWindow or DataStore into a standard ASCII text file. Controls DataWindow controls and DataStore objects Syntax dwcontrol.SaveAsAscii ( filename {, separatorcharacter {, quotecharacter {, lineending } } } ) dwcontrol The name of the DataWindow control or DataStore whose contents you want to save filename A string whose value is the name of the file in which to save the contents separatorcharacter (optional) A string whose value is the character to be used to delimit values. If you omit separatorcharacter, the default is a tab character quotecharacter (optional) A string whose value is the character to be used to wrap values. If you omit quotecharacter, the default is no character lineending (optional) A string whose value is placed at the end of each line. If you omit lineending, the default is a carriage return plus a newline character (~r~n) An example that would save the visual contents of a DataWindow with a '|' character as a separator would be: dw_4.saveasascii("monthly.txt","|") It is preferable to use a separator character since the default of tab would cause import problems in Excel. The separator character used can be specified when the data is imported into Excel. To import the data into Excel, just open the text file from Excel. You will be presented with an import wizard. It is important to specify the correct separator and un-select the tab character as a separator. The below is output from a cross tab DataWindow that was imported into Excel without modification. This would not have been possible with the SaveAs function. Dept Id Manager Id 100 200 300 400 500 501 1090 703 868 902 1039 1576 1293 902 1390 1576 1191 Another example is the exporting of data from a DataWindow that utilizes group with headers and footers. The SaveAsAscii function will preserve the groupings, headers, and footers. As can be seen from the below example, the group headings, detail lines and group footers are present. Also present is a report summary. This output is not available with the SaveAs function. The below example was imported without modification into Excel. Notice that the group totals are correctly located, as is the report summary. Employee ID" Last Name Department 100 1090 Smith 582 Samuels 529 Sullivan 479 Siperstein 266 Gowda 604 Wang 453 Rabkin 445 Lull 316 Pastor 1250 Diaz 102 Whitney 1157 Soo 247 Driscoll 160 Breault 501 Scott 958 Sisson 243 Shishov 862 Sheffield 105 Cobb 249 Guevara 839 Marshall 278 Melkisetian 22 Employees in Department 100 Department 500 191 Bertrand 1013 Barker 921 Crowley 868 Kuo 1658 Lynch 1615 Romero 750 Braun 1570 Rebeiro 703 Martinez 9 Employees in Department 500 Total Employees >> 75 It may be necessary to specifically place certain columns from the report into certain columns in the Excel spreadsheet. To accomplish this, place an empty text object where you require a blank column. This will be read as an empty cell and imported into Excel as an empty cell, This method permits accurate placement of data into the correct columns in the Excel spreadsheet. The use of SaveAsAscii is not limited to Excel. Since the data is in a text file with a specified delimiter, it also permits easy exchange of data with other programs or via email.
Nosotros tenemos la versiòn 7 e inclusive la 8
Lamentablemente, Si tenes una version de pb < 7 esto es asi y no hay solucion directa. Lo que podes hacer es otra dw externa y copiar hay todos los valores en columnas y exportar esa. A partir de las versiones superiores a la 7 se fue mejorando la exportacion a excel.