El sqlloader me saca utilizándolo de 2 formas diferentes error:
1 forma
C:\Documents and Settings\jccortes> sqlldr scott/tiger control=carga.ctl errors=
200 log=mytable.log
"sqlldr" no se reconoce como un comando interno o externo,
programa o archivo por lotes ejecutable.
SQL> @carga.ctl
unknown command "LOAD DATA" - rest of line ignored.
unknown command beginning "INFILE 'ju..." - rest of line ignored.
unknown command beginning "INTO TABLE..." - rest of line ignored.
unknown command beginning "FIELDS TER..." - rest of line ignored.
For a list of known commands enter HELP
and to leave enter EXIT.
Input truncated to 13 characters
1 forma
C:\Documents and Settings\jccortes> sqlldr scott/tiger control=carga.ctl errors=
200 log=mytable.log
"sqlldr" no se reconoce como un comando interno o externo,
programa o archivo por lotes ejecutable.
SQL> @carga.ctl
unknown command "LOAD DATA" - rest of line ignored.
unknown command beginning "INFILE 'ju..." - rest of line ignored.
unknown command beginning "INTO TABLE..." - rest of line ignored.
unknown command beginning "FIELDS TER..." - rest of line ignored.
For a list of known commands enter HELP
and to leave enter EXIT.
Input truncated to 13 characters
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