Quizá ya has hecho algo al respecto.
Yo desconozco el tema, pero dando vueltas por "metalink" conseguí esto, espero te sirva de algo.
RDBMS Version:: 8.1.7
Operating System and Version:: Windows Nt 4.0 Service pack 6
Error Number (if applicable):: VNI: 2015
Product (i.e. Instance, Security Manager, etc.):: OEM / Oracle Agent
Product Version::
OEM Console Operating System and Version:: Windows 2000 Pro
VNI : 2015 Authentication Error
I had OEM 2.1 installed in running ... was able to submit jobs with no
problem. I recently upgraded our OEM server to OEM 2.2 The OEM Server
has the Management Server and an Oracle 8i (8.1.7) Database Server
running with a single instance for the repository. Since the Upgrade we
have been unable to submit jobs to any Oracle instance running on our NT
Servers. We can however submit jobs to our HP UX instances with no errors.
When we submit a job (ie. Export) to a Oracle (8.1.7) instance running
on Windows NT 4.0 Service pack 6 we receive the following error: "VNI:
2015 Autentication Error". I have done everything that I have seen
posted to resolve this issue but have been unsuccessful in correcting
the problem.
Here is the configuration:
OS: Windows Nt 4.0 sp6
Oracle RDBMS: 8.1.7 single instance for OEM repository
Oracle Manager Server: 2.2
OS: Windows NT 4.0 sp6
Oracle RDBMS: 8.0.5 & 8.1.7 in seperate homes
Oracle Agent: 8.1.7
Agent Service is set to startup with and NT user account which has the
folloing permission:
Logon as batch
Logon locally
Logon as service
The account also has access to the entire file system.
I have tried this with a local account and a domain account but received
the same results... Also the preferred credentials have been set in the
OEM 2.2 console.
Any help in getting this resolved would be appreciated ...
Again this was working prior to upgrading the OEM to version 2.2.
Jeff Zakrzewski
Computer Systems Analyst STF
Lockheed Martin, NE&SS
From: Oracle, Nahed Majzoub <mailto:
[email protected]> 20-Feb-01
Subject: Re : VNI : 2015 Authentication Error
When scheduling Jobs or Events through the Enterprise Manager 2.x Console,
the Oracle Management Server takes the request from the Console and
submits it
to the Intelligent Agent on the target server. The Intelligent Agent
to establish a "new" Operating System (OS) logon session for each job
that it
receives. The OS logon credentials are pulled from the Console's Preferred
Credentials settings. In the Preferred Credentials section, each discovered
service is listed along with its service type. For OS logons, the " NODE "
service type must contain a valid OS user that has the correct permissions.
If the logon information provided to the Intelligent Agent is incorrect or
missing, the Intelligent Agent will return the error:
VNI-2015: Authentication Error
Troubleshooting Checklist
The VNI-2015 error can occur for several reasons.
EM Console:
Begin troubleshooting the VNI-2015 error at the EM Console.
1. Verify the logon credentials for the target Node and target service have
been set correctly in the Preferred Credentials section of the EM Console.
If the Preferred Credentials are set correctly for the target node and the
target service, continue troublshooting at the target server:
Windows NT and 2000 servers:
2. Verify the OS permission 'Logon as a Batch Job' has been granted to
the OS
(NODE) user stored in the EM Console's Preferred Credentials section.
3. If the OMS is in a different NT domain, verify the domains can
UNIX servers:
4. If the server is a Unix system, check with the system administrator
and ask
if any additional OS security packages are ins