Probemas para conectar con Access 2002

Quisiera acceder desde Developer 2000 6i a una base de datos que tengo en mi propio ordenador (*.mdb). ¿Qué tengo que introducir como "usuario", "clave" y "base de datos" en el momento de conectarme?. Ya tengo creada la entrada ODBC desde el "panel de control", con el "path" correcto en donde se encuentra la BBDD. ¿Qué falta para que Developer lo reconozca?.

1 Respuesta

Te adjunto un link con la explicacion de los procedimientos para la conexion.
¿Tienes metalink? Encontre esto en metalink.
Reports Developer can access data from any database you may have in your organization, including: Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, Informix, DB2, and any ODBC-compliant data source.
When you connect to an ODBC datasource, you use an ODBC driver to communicate with the datasource. Reports Developer include prebundled ODBC drivers for each supported datasource. These drivers are ODBC level 1-compliant and, to some extent, provide some level 2 functionality to achieve greater performance.
To access Microsoft Access:
1. Set up your system to use the Open Client Adapter (OCA).
a)Install the necessary database server and client software, including network libraries. Configure your database, create database accounts, grant the appropriate access privileges to the users. Note that for some single-user, single-machine datasources, such as Microsoft Access, there is no notion of a database server and database client, and no special setup is required (you do, however, need to create the database file to store database tables).
b)Install the necessary ODBC drivers on your client machine and configure the datasource using the Microsoft ODBC Administrator (which is automatically installed with the drivers). ODBC drivers from Intersolv (for SQL Server, Rdb, Sybase, Informix, Ingres and many other databases) are installable from the your installation CD. You can also use drivers from Microsoft, IBM, and other ODBC driver vendors.
2.(Optional) Run the.SQL scripts to create and populate demo tables using the UBT utility:
UBT60.EXE user/password@ODBC:datasource[:dbname] @sqlscript Example
If dbname is not specified, the views will be created in the 'current' database for the ODBC connection.
3.Launch the Reports Builder.
4.When you are ready to connect to the Microsoft Access datasource, type the following connect string in the Connect dialog box:
For example, to connect to Microsoft Access, type:
For more details refer to Reports Online Help and Read through the release notes and the PDF document oca_info.pdf.
The ocs_info.pdf is available in ORACLE_HOME\TOOLS\DOC60\US.
Bharat Rajani
Hola Diego.
Conozco el link que me comentas, pues hice
una busqueda exhaustiva por Internet.
Tengo EXACTAMENTE el mismo problema, y en el link aun no esta solucionado.
Puedes ayudarme ?
Prueba con el cliente de 8.1.7 ..
La verdad no tengo experiencia con este error. Hasta donde se 8.0.x no recibe mas upgrades y tu BD Access puede requerir otros parches que hallan liberado a partir de 8i.

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