Metodo casada en SQL server 2008 como procedimiento?
Hola experto, estoy recien empezando a programar, me han dejado como trabajo hacer una base de datos con sus repectivas tablas y con sus respectivas PRIMARY KEY Y FOREIGN KEY, las tablas estan relacionadas, mi problemas es que necesito eliminar un registro de una tabla y eliminarla con sus respectivas relaciones(FK), utilizando CASDADE , solo que no se como se utiliza este metodo en un procedimiento... AGRADECERIA SU RESPUESTA!!
1 respuesta
Respuesta de pclemares
pclemares, Programador en entornos visuales desde hace mas de 10 años y...
Prueba este procedimiento, CREATE Procedure spDeleteRows /* Recursive row delete procedure. It deletes all rows in the table specified that conform to the criteria selected, while also deleting any child/grandchild records and so on. This is designed to do the same sort of thing as Access's cascade delete function. It first reads the sysforeignkeys table to find any child tables, then deletes the soon-to-be orphan records from them using recursive calls to this procedure. Once all child records are gone, the rows are deleted from the selected table. It is designed at this time to be run at the command line. It could also be used in code, but the printed output will not be available. */ ( @cTableName varchar(50), /* name of the table where rows are to be deleted */ @cCriteria nvarchar(1000), /* criteria used to delete the rows required */ @iRowsAffected int OUTPUT /* number of records affected by the delete */ ) As set nocount on Declare @cTab varchar(255), /* name of the child table */ @cCol varchar(255), /* name of the linking field on the child table */ @cRefTab varchar(255), /* name of the parent table */ @cRefCol varchar(255), /* name of the linking field in the parent table */ @cFKName varchar(255), /* name of the foreign key */ @cSQL nvarchar(1000), /* query string passed to the sp_ExecuteSQL procedure */ @cChildCriteria nvarchar(1000), /* criteria to be used to delete records from the child table */ @iChildRows int /* number of rows deleted from the child table */ /* Declare the cursor containing the foreign key constraint information */ DECLARE cFKey CURSOR LOCAL FOR SELECT AS Tab, SC1. Name AS Col, SO2. Name AS RefTab, SC2. Name AS RefCol, FO. Name AS FKName FROM dbo.sysforeignkeys FK INNER JOIN dbo.syscolumns SC1 ON FK.fkeyid = AND FK.fkey = SC1.colid INNER JOIN dbo.syscolumns SC2 ON FK.rkeyid = AND FK.rkey = SC2.colid INNER JOIN dbo.sysobjects SO1 ON FK.fkeyid = INNER JOIN dbo.sysobjects SO2 ON FK.rkeyid = INNER JOIN dbo.sysobjects FO ON FK.constid = WHERE SO2.Name = @cTableName OPEN cFKey FETCH NEXT FROM cFKey INTO @cTab, @cCol, @cRefTab, @cRefCol, @cFKName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN /* build the criteria to delete rows from the child table. As it uses the criteria passed to this procedure, it gets progressively larger with recursive calls */ SET @cChildCriteria = @cCol + ' in (SELECT [' + @cRefCol + '] FROM [' + @cRefTab +'] WHERE ' + @cCriteria + ')' print 'Deleting records from table ' + @cTab /* call this procedure to delete the child rows */ EXEC spDeleteRows @cTab, @cChildCriteria, @iChildRows OUTPUT FETCH NEXT FROM cFKey INTO @cTab, @cCol, @cRefTab, @cRefCol, @cFKName END Close cFKey DeAllocate cFKey /* finally delete the rows from this table and display the rows affected */ SET @cSQL = 'DELETE FROM [' + @cTableName + '] WHERE ' + @cCriteria print @cSQL EXEC sp_ExecuteSQL @cSQL print 'Deleted ' + CONVERT(varchar, @@ROWCOUNT) + ' records from table ' + @cTableName para usarlo tienes que llamarlo asi: exec spDeleteRows 'NombreTabla', 'Campo = ''Valor''', 0