Benditas imagenes en sql7

Cómo se hace para meter las fotos de unos estudiantes en una base de datos en SQL en un campo tipo Imagen? Por favor diganme paso a paso porque he intentado de todo!!!!!!!!! Gracias
Utiliza los métodos GetChunk y AppendChunk disponibles en ADO.
Te pego un ejemplo sacado de la ayuda:
Public Sub AppendChunkX()
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rstPubInfo As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strCn As String
Dim strPubID As String
Dim strPRInfo As String
Dim lngOffset As Long
Dim lngLogoSize As Long
Dim varLogo As Variant
Dim varChunk As Variant
Const conChunkSize = 100
' Open a connection.
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
strCn = "Server=srv;Database=pubs;UID=sa;Pwd=;"
cn.Provider = "sqloledb"
cn.Open strCn
'Open the pub_info_x table.
Set rstPubInfo = New ADODB.Recordset
rstPubInfo.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
rstPubInfo.LockType = adLockOptimistic
rstPubInfo.Open "pub_info_x", cn, , , adCmdTable
'Prompt for a logo to copy.
strMsg = "Available logos are : " & vbCr & vbCr
Do While Not rstPubInfo.EOF
strMsg = strMsg & rstPubInfo!pub_id & vbCr & _
InStr(rstPubInfo!pr_info, ",") - 1) & vbCr & vbCr
strMsg = strMsg & "Enter the ID of a logo to copy:"
strPubID = InputBox(strMsg)
' Copy the logo to a variable in chunks.
rstPubInfo.Filter = "pub_id = '" & strPubID & "'"
lngLogoSize = rstPubInfo!logo.ActualSize
Do While lngOffset < lngLogoSize
varChunk = rstPubInfo!logo.GetChunk(conChunkSize)
varLogo = varLogo & varChunk
lngOffset = lngOffset + conChunkSize
' Get data from the user.
strPubID = Trim(InputBox("Enter a new pub ID:"))
strPRInfo = Trim(InputBox("Enter descriptive text:"))
' Add a new record, copying the logo in chunks.
rstPubInfo!pub_id = strPubID
rstPubInfo!pr_info = strPRInfo
lngOffset = 0 ' Reset offset.
Do While lngOffset < lngLogoSize
varChunk = LeftB(RightB(varLogo, lngLogoSize - _
rstPubInfo!logo.AppendChunk varChunk
lngOffset = lngOffset + conChunkSize
' Show the newly added data.
MsgBox "New record: " & rstPubInfo!pub_id & vbCr & _
"Description: " & rstPubInfo!pr_info & vbCr & _
"Logo size: " & rstPubInfo!logo.ActualSize
End Sub
Gracias. Lo hice mediante una referencia con variable string a la dirección donde tengo las fotos. En todo caso muchas gracias!! buena respuesta

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