¿Cómo diseñar una página web dinámica utilizando frames implementada con ASP?
MI estimado experto: Necesito hacer una pagina que se maneje atravez de un frames y que en uno de esos frames se maneje un menu. El menu dbe contener opciones (botones graficos)cuya informacion sera dezplegada en otro frame. de antemano agradeceria cualquier informacion que me pudieras dar acerca de como puedo incluir en el menu botones graficos que al hacer click sobre alguno de ellos tenga algun efecto como el de suprimir o poner informacion relacionada al boton en el area de seleccion del mouse.
Necesitaras configurar tu sitio Asi Carpeta principal Archivo: index.html *************************** <html> <head> <title>Untitled Document</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> </head> <frameset cols="174,595" rows="*"> <frame src="menu.html"> <frame src="mainpage.html" name="main"> </frameset> <noframes> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000"> </body> </noframes> </html> *************************** Archivo: menu.html *************************** <html> <head> <title>Tree Menu</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="jsmenu/style.css" type="text/css"> <script language='JavaScript' src='jsmenu/jsmenu.js'></script> <script language='JavaScript'> //********************************************* // Tree Menu Copyright Simon Rycroft // For more scripts go to: // http://www.d-zineworx.co.uk //********************************************* // opens menu section - do not alter function openMenu(cat) { this.cat = cat; document.write('<span class = "level1">'); document.write('<a href = "' + thisPage + '?page=null" target="_self">'); if (lev1img=='yes') { document.write('<img src="' + imgPath + lev1OpName +'" width="' + lev1OpWidth + '" height="' + lev1OpHeight + '"border="0">'); } document.write(cat + '</a><span><br>'); for (x=0;x<thisMenu.length;x++){ document.write('<span class = "level2">'); if (lev2img=='yes') { document.write('<img src="' + imgPath + lev2Name +'" width="' + lev2Width + '" height="' + lev2Height + '">'); } if (lev2Char=='yes') { document.write(bullet); } document.write('<a href="' + linka + thisMenu[x].linkb + '">' + thisMenu[x].name + '</a><span><br>'); } } // closes menu section - do not alter function closeMenu(cat,pass) { this.cat = cat; this.pass = pass; document.write('<span class = "level1">'); document.write('<a href = "' + thisPage + '?page='+pass+'" target="_self">'); if (lev1img=='yes') { document.write('<img src="' + imgPath + lev1ClosName +'" width="' + lev1ClosWidth + '" height="' + lev1ClosHeight + '"border="0">'); } document.write(cat + '</a><span><br>'); } </script> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFCC00" text="#000000"> <script language="JavaScript"> // write Civils & Drainage Menu if(page=='civ') { openMenu('Civils & Drainage'); } else { closeMenu('Civils & Drainage','civ'); } // write Clothing Menu if(page=='cloth') { openMenu('Clothing'); } else { closeMenu('Clothing','cloth'); } // write Decorating Menu if(page=='dec') { openMenu('Decorating'); } else { closeMenu('Decorating','dec'); } </script> </body> </html> *************************** Archivo: mainpage.html *************************** <html> <head> <title>Untitled Document</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFCC" text="#000000"> <b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3">Pages load in this frame<br> </font></b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">you can change the target frame to whatever you like<br> by changing the 'base' variable in the settings</font> </body> </html> *************************** Carpetas Carpeta images Archivo: bullet.gif (puedes usar cualquier viñeta) Archivo: closed.gif (puedes usar el simbolo '-') Archivo: closed.gif (puedes usar el simbolo '+') Carpeta jsmenu Archivo: jsMenu.js ***************************** // ***************************************************************************** // ** SETTINGS ** // ***************************************************************************** // 'linka' use this if part of the URL is the same in ALL the links // In this example all the files are in a subfolder called 'pages' linka='pages/'; // the filename of the page the menu appears in eg 'menu.html' thisPage='menu.html'; // Do you want to use images for the category bullets? // If so then specify the path to your images folder from the menu page imgPath='images/'; // do you want to use images for the category bullets? lev1img='yes'; // insert yes or no // give image names and dimensions lev1OpName='open.gif'; // open image name lev1OpHeight='10'; // image height lev1OpWidth='10'; // image width lev1ClosName='closed.gif'; // closed image name lev1ClosHeight='10'; // image height lev1ClosWidth='10'; // image width // do you want to use images for the sub-category bullets? lev2img='yes'; // insert yes or no // give image names and dimensions lev2Name='bullet.gif'; // image name lev2Height='10'; // image height lev2Width='16'; // image width // do you want to use a text character for the sub-category bullets? lev2Char='no'; // insert yes or no // set bullet character for level 2 bullets bullet = '› '; // base target - the frame that the links are targetting base = 'main'; // ***************************************************************************** // ** END OF SETTINGS ** // ***************************************************************************** // pulls 'page' variable out of URL - do not alter var x = 0 page = location.search.substr(1).split("?") for (x=0;x<=page.length;x++) { eval(page) } page = escape(page); page = page.slice(7); // do not alter this bit function subMenu(name,linkb) { this.name = name; this.linkb = linkb; } document.write('<BASE target="' + base + '">'); // ***************************************************************************** // ** BUILD MENU DATA ** // ***************************************************************************** // Civils & Drainage Menu if (page=='civ') { thisMenu = new Array(); thisMenu[0] = new subMenu('Above Ground Plastics','above.html'); thisMenu[1] = new subMenu('Below Ground Plastics','below.html'); thisMenu[2] = new subMenu('Block Paving','paving.html'); } // Clothing Menu if (page=='cloth') { thisMenu = new Array(); thisMenu[0] = new subMenu('Hats','hats.html'); thisMenu[1] = new subMenu('Gloves','gloves.html'); thisMenu[2] = new subMenu('Coats','coats.html'); } // Decorating Menu if (page=='dec') { thisMenu = new Array(); thisMenu[0] = new subMenu('Brushes','brushes.html'); thisMenu[1] = new subMenu('Paint','paint.html'); thisMenu[2] = new subMenu('Rollers','rollers.html'); } ***************************** Archivo: (de estilo) style.css ***************************** .level1 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal} .level2 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; clip: rect( )} a:link { color: #990000; text-decoration: underline} a:hover { color: #0000FF; text-decoration: none} a:active { color: #FF0000; text-decoration: none} a:visited { color: #666666} ***************************** Carpeta pages Con tus archivos por ejemplo above.htm, aboutus.htm y todo lo demas Y eso es todo!