Te mando el codigo con las distintas variantes que yo conozco:
Esto va en el HEAD:
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- begin script
var posBan4=0, ban4, delayBan4, msgBan4;
msgBan4="This text is the preview of your result.";
function banniere4() {
delayBan4 = 100;
if (posBan4 >= msgBan4.length)
posBan4 = 0;
else if (posBan4 == 0) {
msgBan4 = ' ' + msgBan4;
while (msgBan4.length < 128)
msgBan4 += ' ' + msgBan4;
window.status = msgBan4.substring(posBan4,posBan4+msgBan4.length);
ban4 = setTimeout("banniere4(delayBan4)",delayBan4);
// end script -->
y esto otro en el body:
<body onLoad="banniere4();" onUnload="clearTimeout(ban4)">
(esto en el HEAD)
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- begin script
var msgBan5, msgBan5b, string5 = "", stringPart5, delayBan5, ban5;
msgBan5="This text is the preview of your result.";
function banniere5() {
delayBan5 = 10;
if (string5.length == 0) {
string5 = " ";
msgBan5b = msgBan5;
stringPart5 = "";
else if (string5.length == 1) {
while (msgBan5b.substring(0, 1) == " ") {
stringPart5 = stringPart5 + string5;
string5 = msgBan5b.substring(0, 1);
msgBan5b = msgBan5b.substring(1, msgBan5b.length);
stringPart5 = stringPart5 + string5;
string5 = msgBan5b.substring(0, 1);
msgBan5b = msgBan5b.substring(1, msgBan5b.length);
for (var i = 0; i < 120; i++)
string5 = " " + string5;
else string5 = string5.substring(10, string5.length);
window.status = stringPart5 + string5;
ban5 = window.setTimeout('banniere5(delayBan5)',delayBan5);
// end script -->
(y esto en el body)
<body onLoad="banniere5();" onUnload="clearTimeout(ban5)">
la 3ª:
(esto en el HEAD)
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- begin script
var msgBan6, msgBan6b, string6 = "", stringPart6, delayBan6, ban6;
msgBan6="This text is the preview of your result.";
function banniere6() {
delayBan6 = 100;
if (string6.length == 0) {
string6 = " ";
msgBan6b = msgBan6;
stringPart6 = "";
else if (string6.length == 1) {
while (msgBan6b.substring(0, 1) == " ") {
stringPart6 = stringPart6 + string6;
string6 = msgBan6b.substring(0, 1);
msgBan6b = msgBan6b.substring(1, msgBan6b.length);
stringPart6 = stringPart6 + string6;
string6 = msgBan6b.substring(0, 1);
msgBan6b = msgBan6b.substring(1, msgBan6b.length);
else string6 = string6.substring(10, string6.length);
window.status = stringPart6 + string6;
ban6 = window.setTimeout('banniere6(delayBan6)',delayBan6);
// end script -->
(y esto en el body)
<body onLoad="banniere6();" onUnload="clearTimeout(ban6)">
la 4ª(y última):
(esto en el HEAD)
<!-- Cut-N-Paste JavaScript from ISN Toolbox
Copyright 1996, Infohiway, Inc. Restricted use is hereby
granted (commercial and personal OK) so long as this code
is not *directly* sold and the copyright notice is buried
somewhere deep in your HTML document. A link to our site
http://www.infohiway.com is always appreciated of course,
but is absolutely and positively not necessary. ;-) -->
<!--Hide JavaScript from Java-Impaired Browsers
var cmd;
function isnscroll(hype) {
var shameless = 100;
var prtspc = " ";
var col = 1;
/* You could use array here, but this is easy way to load messages
Unlike HTML documents, multiple adjoining spaces are preserved */
var promotional="Message One Message Two Message Three, etc.";
if (hype>shameless) {
cmd="isnscroll(" + hype + ")";
else if (hype<=shameless && hype>0) {
for (col=0;col<hype;col++) {
prtspc+=" ";
cmd="isnscroll(" + hype + ")";
else if (hype<=0) {
if (-hype<promotional.length) {
cmd="isnscroll(" + hype + ")";
else {
window.status=" ";
function startit() {
// Stop Hiding Contents -->
(y esto en el BODY)
<body onLoad="startit()">
S U E R T E E E E !!!