Ayuda HTML

Necesito saber como es que se hace para colocar en una pagina web, en la parte de abajo dondede sale "sitio web encontrado, esperando respuesta" y "listo" cuando ya la pagina se cargo, quiero colocarle palabras tanto de modo de marquesina toda la frase o por palabras individuales. Lo pregunto porque lo he visto en alguna pagina pero ya no recuerdo donde. Espero haberme explicado bien, pero no aye otro modo para deecirlo. Gracias.
Te mando el codigo con las distintas variantes que yo conozco:

Esto va en el HEAD:
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- begin script
var posBan4=0, ban4, delayBan4, msgBan4;
msgBan4="This text is the preview of your result.";
function banniere4() {
delayBan4 = 100;
if (posBan4 >= msgBan4.length)
posBan4 = 0;
else if (posBan4 == 0) {
msgBan4 = ' ' + msgBan4;
while (msgBan4.length < 128)
msgBan4 += ' ' + msgBan4;
window.status = msgBan4.substring(posBan4,posBan4+msgBan4.length);
ban4 = setTimeout("banniere4(delayBan4)",delayBan4);
// end script -->
y esto otro en el body:
<body onLoad="banniere4();" onUnload="clearTimeout(ban4)">

(esto en el HEAD)
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- begin script
var msgBan5, msgBan5b, string5 = "", stringPart5, delayBan5, ban5;
msgBan5="This text is the preview of your result.";
function banniere5() {
delayBan5 = 10;
if (string5.length == 0) {
string5 = " ";
msgBan5b = msgBan5;
stringPart5 = "";
else if (string5.length == 1) {
while (msgBan5b.substring(0, 1) == " ") {
stringPart5 = stringPart5 + string5;
string5 = msgBan5b.substring(0, 1);
msgBan5b = msgBan5b.substring(1, msgBan5b.length);
stringPart5 = stringPart5 + string5;
string5 = msgBan5b.substring(0, 1);
msgBan5b = msgBan5b.substring(1, msgBan5b.length);
for (var i = 0; i < 120; i++)
string5 = " " + string5;
else string5 = string5.substring(10, string5.length);
window.status = stringPart5 + string5;
ban5 = window.setTimeout('banniere5(delayBan5)',delayBan5);
// end script -->
(y esto en el body)
<body onLoad="banniere5();" onUnload="clearTimeout(ban5)">
la 3ª:
(esto en el HEAD)
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- begin script
var msgBan6, msgBan6b, string6 = "", stringPart6, delayBan6, ban6;
msgBan6="This text is the preview of your result.";
function banniere6() {
delayBan6 = 100;
if (string6.length == 0) {
string6 = " ";
msgBan6b = msgBan6;
stringPart6 = "";
else if (string6.length == 1) {
while (msgBan6b.substring(0, 1) == " ") {
stringPart6 = stringPart6 + string6;
string6 = msgBan6b.substring(0, 1);
msgBan6b = msgBan6b.substring(1, msgBan6b.length);
stringPart6 = stringPart6 + string6;
string6 = msgBan6b.substring(0, 1);
msgBan6b = msgBan6b.substring(1, msgBan6b.length);
else string6 = string6.substring(10, string6.length);
window.status = stringPart6 + string6;
ban6 = window.setTimeout('banniere6(delayBan6)',delayBan6);
// end script -->
(y esto en el body)
<body onLoad="banniere6();" onUnload="clearTimeout(ban6)">
la 4ª(y última):
(esto en el HEAD)
<!-- Cut-N-Paste JavaScript from ISN Toolbox
Copyright 1996, Infohiway, Inc. Restricted use is hereby
granted (commercial and personal OK) so long as this code
is not *directly* sold and the copyright notice is buried
somewhere deep in your HTML document. A link to our site
http://www.infohiway.com is always appreciated of course,
but is absolutely and positively not necessary. ;-) -->
<!--Hide JavaScript from Java-Impaired Browsers
var cmd;
function isnscroll(hype) {
var shameless = 100;
var prtspc = " ";
var col = 1;
/* You could use array here, but this is easy way to load messages
Unlike HTML documents, multiple adjoining spaces are preserved */
var promotional="Message One Message Two Message Three, etc.";
if (hype>shameless) {
cmd="isnscroll(" + hype + ")";
else if (hype<=shameless && hype>0) {
for (col=0;col<hype;col++) {
prtspc+=" ";
cmd="isnscroll(" + hype + ")";
else if (hype<=0) {
if (-hype<promotional.length) {
cmd="isnscroll(" + hype + ")";
else {
window.status=" ";
function startit() {
// Stop Hiding Contents -->
(y esto en el BODY)
<body onLoad="startit()">
S U E R T E E E E !!!

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