Tenes varias opciones para enviar los datos de un formulario, una es mediante javascript, y este seria el codigo basico
<form ACTION="mailto:
[email protected]" METHOD="POST" ENCTYPE="TEXT/PLAIN">Envíenos
su e-mail:
<br><input TYPE="text" NAME="Nombre">
<p>Escriba aquí sobre que carrera o tema desea
recibir información:
<br><textarea NAME="Comentarios" ROWS="7" COLS="45"></textarea>
<p><input TYPE="submit" VALUE="Enviar datos"><input TYPE="reset" VALUE="Borrar datos"></form>
Otra forma seria mediante ASP o CGI, aca te paso un codigo de ASP (copialo dentro del BODY):
<% if request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "GET" then
<form action="htmlemail.asp" method=post>
<font face=verdana>
Your Name <input type="text" name="strName"> Your EMail <input type="text" name="strEmail">
Recipient Email <input type="text" name="strTo">
<textarea cols=40 rows=4 name=message>Your message</textarea>
<input type=submit name=send value=Send>
Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objMail.Importance = 1
objMail.From = request("strName") & "<" & request("strEmail") & ">"
objMail.To = request("strTo")
objMail.Subject = "Example of HTML EMail with Embeded Image"
' this is my messages HTML
strMsg = "" & _
"<html><body bgcolor=red>" & _
"<a href=""
http://www.RealWorldASP.com/""><img src=""logo.gif"" border=0 alt=""RealWorldASP"">" & _
"</a><p><font face=verdana>Example of a HTML Email with embedded Image<P><br>" & _
request("message") & _
' set the format of the email to html, etc
objMail.BodyFormat = 0
objMail.MailFormat = 0
objMail.Body = strMsg
' attach our image file and set the url to simply logo.gif
objMail.AttachURL server.MapPath("logo.gif"), "logo.gif"
' destroy the email object
Set objMail = Nothing
<font face=verdana>Message Sent, Thanks!</font>
<% end if %>