
Necesito ayuda de como mostrar datos de una matriz en un objeto datagrid o en algun objeto por el estilo.

1 Respuesta

Abre un proyecto nuevo
En un formulario agrega el control flexgrid
A la barra de herramientas - Microsoft FlexGrid Control x.x (C:\Windows\System\MSFLXGRD.ocx)
Agraga al Form:
2 textbox
2 labels
1 commandbuton
1 flexgrid
((((((( No modifiques los nombres de los controles! )))))
Y este es el codigo! Para ver una matriz en un FlexGrid espero que te sirva!
Option Explicit
Dim Renglon As Integer, Columna As Integer
Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo xError
Dim x As Integer, xx As Integer, y As Integer, yy As Integer
Dim Matriz()
Renglon = Val(Me.Text1)
Columna = Val(Me.Text2)
ReDim Matriz(Columna, Renglon)
yy = UBound(Matriz, 2)
xx = UBound(Matriz)
'----------- Llenado de la Matriz -------------------------------
For x = 0 To xx
For y = 0 To yy
Matriz(x, y) = (Int(Rnd * 500) + 1) 'Caracteres Chr$(Int(Rnd * 255) + 1)
Next y
Next x
'------- Establecer Columnas y Renglones en el FlexGrid -------
Me.MSFlexGrid1.Cols = xx + 1
Me.MSFlexGrid1.Rows = yy + 1
'Me.MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(0, 0) = Columna & " x " & Renglon
'----------- Titulos -------------------------------
For x = 1 To xx
Me.MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(0, x) = x - 1
Next x
For y = 1 To yy
Me.MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(y, 0) = y - 1
Next y
'-------------- Llenar FlexGrid --------------------
For x = 1 To xx
For y = 1 To yy
Me.MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(y, x) = Matriz(x - 1, y - 1)
Next y
Next x
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
MsgBox "Diseñado en Resolucion 800 x 600 ", vbInformation, "VbGopher"
'---- Form --------
With Form1
.Caption = "Matrices - vbGopher [] (14/04/04)"
.WindowState = vbMaximized
End With
'------ Flex -----
With MSFlexGrid1
.Height = 7575
.Width = 8655
.Left = 120
.Top = 120
End With
With Text1
.Left = 8880
.Height = 375
.Top = 480
.MaxLength = 2
.Text = 3
.Width = 1695
End With
With Text2
.Left = 8880
.Height = 375
.Top = 1200
.MaxLength = 2
.Text = 6
.Width = 1695
End With
'------ Labels --------
With Label1
.Caption = "Renglones:"
.Left = 8880
.Top = 240
.Height = 195
.Width = 600
End With
With Label2
.Caption = "Columnas:"
.Left = 8880
.Top = 960
.Height = 195
.Width = 615
End With
With Me.Command1
.Caption = "&Llenar Flex"
.Default = True
.Left = 8880
.Height = 735
.Top = 1680
.Width = 1695
End With
End Sub
'--------------------Fin de Codigo --------------------------------

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