Que tal espero me pueda ayudar, tengo un router sp100x, que por necesidades se le desabilito la opcion de ruter y se cambio a bridged, pero se quiere hacer nuevamente la conversion a router, pero la ip que anteriormente me servia para acceder a su configuracion ahora ya no funciona, si me pudieran como podría saber la dir ip que tiene ahora o quizas estoy conectando de forma incorrecta.
Respuesta de fjrivera
fjrivera, Ingeniero en Informatica y experto en Telecomunicaciones
He encontrado un procedimiento en internet para forzar una ip determinada en la LAN, prueba a realizarlo: The SP100X can be forced into a 'safe' downloader mode by performing the following steps in order. In this description, the RESET button, which is the button at the back end of Sp100X: 1. Power cycle the unit while holding down the RESET button. Count 4 seconds. Release the RESET button immediately. 2. To force the unit to use a fixed IP that is in the config file, press and immediately release the RESET button again within 2 seconds of releasing it after step 1 above. After 2 seconds of button inactivity, the device will start the downloader network stack in fixed IP mode (LED L1 and L2 are ON). If no fixed IP information exists in the configuration file, the device will default back to DHCP mode. 3. Finally, to force the unit to use as the IP address, press and immediately release the RESET button again a third time within 2 seconds of releasing it after step 3 above. The device will now use as the IP address (LED L1, L2, and L3 are ON). REMINDER: There is a two second time-out after each press of the RESET button, after which the downloader network stack will boot into the selected mode. 1 Presses = FIXED IP 2 Presses = If the wrong network mode is started by mistake, the process can be easily restarted by holding down the RESET button and power cycling the device again.