Webmail no envia bien
Lo que necesito saber, es los motivos por los que el Webmail puede no enviar, a ver si puede ser debido a algo de la configuración o de las restricciones de seguridad que me hicieron, o sí también es posible por restringir el envío al puerto 587, no obstante antes envíabamos bien.
1 respuesta
Respuesta de Gonzalo Madrid

Gonzalo Madrid, Evangelizador de Linux
¿Has hablado con el administrador del webmail? ¿O con la persona que accede a su configuración?
¿Has hablado con quien administra tu red? ¿O con quien te hace esas restricciones?
¿Has hablado con quien administra tu red? ¿O con quien te hace esas restricciones?

Lo que no quiero es llamar a nadie, porque entonces me cobrarian, yo dispongo de acceso completo al servidor por eso me gustaria saber de que puede ser para arreglarlo yo.

Exactamente lo que pasa es que cuando le das a enviar dice como que se a enviado pero realmente no lo envia.

¿Es qué si no tienes acceso a la configuración interna del webmail como piensas que lo arreglemos? Si tienes acceso a la configuración del webmail ademas se peuden ver los log que es lo unico que me ayudaria a resolverte el problema, sin errores sin log sin ver la configuración y sin poder poner diferentes configuraciones es imposible arreglarlo.
Es como si te falla Hotmail solo podra arreglarlo el administrador del webmail o el de la red.
Si dipones de acceso entero al servidor mira la configuración interna del webmail y d ela red y dame los datos de todos los logs, los dato de configuración, para resumir que me des el mayor numero posible de datos como por ejemplo que software usa el webmail y que versión.
Asi podemos probar diferentes configuraciones y ver que es lo que falla y donde.
Es como si te falla Hotmail solo podra arreglarlo el administrador del webmail o el de la red.
Si dipones de acceso entero al servidor mira la configuración interna del webmail y d ela red y dame los datos de todos los logs, los dato de configuración, para resumir que me des el mayor numero posible de datos como por ejemplo que software usa el webmail y que versión.
Asi podemos probar diferentes configuraciones y ver que es lo que falla y donde.

El software que utiliza es Horde 3.1.5. tambien tengo algo de qmail...
El archivo de configuración de Horde no deberia encontrarse en esta ruta?
Tengo virtualhost no se si tendra algo que ver esto en la ruta
El archivo de configuración de Horde no deberia encontrarse en esta ruta?
Tengo virtualhost no se si tendra algo que ver esto en la ruta

Este es el arhivo /etc/psa-horde/imp/servers.php
* $Horde: imp/config/servers.php.dist,v 2006/09/12 01:05:59 slusarz Exp $
* This file is where you specify what mail servers people using your
* installation of IMP can log in to.
* Properties that can be set for each server:
* name: This is the plaintext, english name that you want displayed
* to people if you are using the drop down server list.
* server: The hostname of the mail server to connect to.
* hordeauth: If this parameter is present and true, then IMP will attempt
* to use the user's existing credentials (the username/password
* they used to log in to Horde) to log in to this source. If this
* parameter is 'full', the username will be used unmodified;
* otherwise everything after and including the first @ in the
* username will be stripped off before attempting authentication.
* protocol: One of the following strings:
* + 'imap/notls'
* + 'imap/ssl'
* + 'imap/tls'
* + 'pop3/notls'
* + 'pop3/ssl'
* + 'pop3/tls'
* If using 'pop3/*' you will connect to a POP3 mail server and
* all folder options will be automatically turned off (POP3 does
* not support folders). If you want folders (and for much
* improved performance) it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that IMAP should
* be used instead.
* NOTE: Due to limitations within PHP, IMP can only support auto-
* detection of namespace parameters with IMAP TLS connections
* (e.g 'imap/tls') if using PHP version 5.1.0 or greater.
* If using a version of PHP less than 5.1.0, the following
* options are available:
* 1. RECOMMENDED - If a secure IMAP connection is needed, use
* a direct connection to a SSL enabled IMAP port
* (e.g. 'imap/ssl').
* 2. If you absolutely must use TLS, then it is REQUIRED to
* define the 'namespace' parameter (see below).
* The ssl and tls options will only work if you've compiled PHP
* against a SSL-enabled version of c-client, used the
* --with-imap-ssl and --with-openssl flags when compiling PHP,
* and you have a mail server server which supports SSL.
* ** The test script can help automatically determine the **
* ** correct protocol value to use. See the 'Testing IMP' **
* ** section of imp/docs/INSTALL for instructions on how to **
* ** access the test script. **
* NOTE - If you are using a self-signed server certificate with
* either imap/ssl, imap/tls, pop3/ssl, or pop3/tls, you MUST add
* '/novalidate-cert' to the end of the protocol string. For imap,
* this would be 'imap/ssl/novalidate-cert' or
* 'imap/tls/novalidate-cert', and for pop3 it would be
* 'pop3/ssl/novalidate-cert' or 'pop3/tls/novalidate-cert'. This
* is necessary to tell c-client not to complain about the lack of
* a valid CA on the certificate.
* port: The port that the mail service/protocol you selected runs on.
* Default values:
* 'pop3' 110
* 'pop3s' 995
* 'imap' 143
* 'imaps' 993
* ** The test script can help automatically determine the **
* ** correct port value to use. See the 'Testing IMP' section **
* ** of imp/docs/INSTALL for instructions on how to access the **
* ** test script. **
* maildomain: What to put after the @ when sending mail. i.e. if you want
* all mail to look like 'From: [email protected]' set
* maildomain to 'example.com'. It is generally useful when
* the sending host is different from the mail receiving host. This
* will also be used to complete unqualified addresses when
* composing mail.
* smtphost: If specified, and $conf['mailer']['type'] is set to 'smtp',
* IMP will use this host for outbound SMTP connections. This
* value overrides any existing $conf['mailer']['params']['host']
* value at runtime.
* smtpport: If specified, and $conf['mailer']['type'] is set to 'smtp',
* IMP will use this port for outbound SMTP connections. This value
* overrides any existing $conf['mailer']['params']['port'] value at
* runtime.
* THOSE SERVERS. If you only have one server, or have multiple
* servers with no username clashes, or have full [email protected]
* usernames, you DO NOT need a realm setting. If you set one, an
* '@' symbol plus the realm will be appended to the username that
* users log in to IMP with to create the username that Horde treats
* the user as. So with a realm of 'example.com', the username
* 'jane' would be treated by Horde (NOT your IMAP/POP server) as
* '[email protected]', and the username '[email protected]' would be
* treated as '[email protected]@example.com' - an occasion where you
* probably don't need a realm setting.
* preferred: Only useful if you want to use the same servers.php file
* for different machines: if the hostname of the IMP machine is
* identical to one of those in the preferred list, then the
* corresponding option in the select box will include SELECTED
* (i.e. it is selected per default). Otherwise the first entry
* in the list is selected.
* quota: Use this if you want to display a users quota status on various
* IMP pages. Set 'driver' equal to the mailserver and 'params'
* equal to any extra parameters needed by the driver (see the
* comments located at the top of imp/lib/Quota/[quotadriver].php
* for the parameters needed for each driver).
* Currently available drivers:
* false -- Disable quota checking (DEFAULT)
* 'command' -- Use the UNIX quota command to determine quotas
* 'courier' -- Use the Courier-IMAP server to handle quotas
* You must be connecting to a Courier-IMAP server
* to use this driver
* 'cyrus' -- Use the Cyrus IMAP server to handle quotas
* You must be connecting to a Cyrus IMAP server
* to use this driver
* 'logfile' -- Allow quotas on servers where IMAP Quota
* commands are not supported, but quota info
* appears in the servers messages log for the IMAP
* server.
* 'mdaemon' -- Use Mdaemon servers to handle quotas
* 'mercury32' -- Use Mercury/32 servers to handle quotas
* admin: Use this if you want to enable mailbox management for administrators
* via Horde's user administration interface. The mailbox management
* gets enabled if you let IMP handle the Horde authentication with the
* 'application' authentication driver. Your IMAP server needs to
* support mailbox management via IMAP commands.
* Do not define this value if you do not want mailbox management.
* acl: Use this if you want to use Access Control Lists (folder sharing)
* Set 'driver' equal to the type of ACL your server supports and
* 'params' to an array containing any additional parameters the
* driver needs. Not all IMAP servers currently support this
* feature.
* At present the only drivers supported are 'rfc2086' and 'rfc4314' (in
* Horde 3.1+), neither of which require any parameters.
* SECURITY NOTE: If you do not have the PEAR Auth_SASL module
* installed, the 'rfc2086' driver will send user passwords to the
* IMAP server in plain text when retrieving ACLs.
* *** The following options should NOT be set unless you REALLY know what ***
* *** (the default if the parameters are not set) SHOULD BE USED! ***
* namespace: The list of namespaces that exist on the server. This entry
* must be an array. Example:
* 'namespace' => array('#shared/', '#news/', '#ftp/', '#public/')
* This parameter must be set if using a TLS connection.
* Additionally, this parameter may be set if not using a TLS
* connection and you want to allow access to namespaces that may
* not be publicly advertised by the IMAP server (see RFC
* 2342 [3]). These additional namespaces will be added to the list
* of available namespaces returned by the server.
* imap_config: Manually set IMAP server configuration information. Please see
* http://wiki.horde.org/ImpImapConfig for information on this
* HORDE PROJECT. This entry must be an array with the following
* elements:
* 'children' - (boolean) Whether the IMAP server supports the
* CHILDREN command.
* 'namespace' - (array) The namespace configuration of the
* server. See the return from
* IMAP_Client::namespace() (located in
* imp/lib/IMAP/Client.php) for the structure of
* this array.
* 'search_charset' - (array) A list of charsets the IMAP server
* supports for searches.
* timeout: Manually set server timeouts. This option only works with PHP >=
* 4.3.3. This entry must be an array with the following possible
* elements (if an element is missing, the default value is used):
* IMAP_OPENTIMEOUT - (integer) The timeout for open actions.
* IMAP_READTIMEOUT - (integer) The timeout for read actions.
* IMAP_WRITETIMEOUT - (integer) The timeout for write actions.
* IMAP_CLOSETIMEOUT - (integer) The timeout for close actions.
* login_tries: Manually set the number of login tries we make to the server.
* The PHP imap_open() function will try to login 3 times to a
* server before failing. This value indicates the number of
* times we call imap_open() before IMP fails (we pause one second
* between imap_open() calls). The default value is 3 (meaning IMP
* may attempt to login to the server 9 times). If you have a
* mail server that will lock out an account if a certain number
* of incorrect login attempts occur within a certain period of
* time, you may want to set this to a lower value. The minimum
* value for this setting is 1.
/* Any entries whose key value ('foo' in $servers['foo']) begin with '_'
* (an underscore character) will be treated as prompts, and you won't be
* able to log in to them. The only property these entries need is 'name'.
* This lets you put labels in the list, like this example: */
$servers['_prompt'] = array(
'name' => _("Choose a mail server:")
// get hostname from http URL (patch for Plesk)
$headers = getallheaders();
$ServerName = preg_replace('/^webmail\./', '', preg_replace('/^www\./', '', $headers['Host']));
$DomainName = ($ServerName != '') ? $ServerName : '@DEFAULT_SERVERNAME@';
$servers['imap'] = array(
'name' => 'IMAP Server',
'server' => 'localhost',
'hordeauth' => false,
'protocol' => 'imap/notls',
'port' => 143,
'maildomain' => $DomainName,
'smtphost' => 'localhost',
'smtpport' => 25,
'realm' => '',
'preferred' => '',
'quota' => array(
'driver' => 'courier',
'params' => array(),
* $Horde: imp/config/servers.php.dist,v 2006/09/12 01:05:59 slusarz Exp $
* This file is where you specify what mail servers people using your
* installation of IMP can log in to.
* Properties that can be set for each server:
* name: This is the plaintext, english name that you want displayed
* to people if you are using the drop down server list.
* server: The hostname of the mail server to connect to.
* hordeauth: If this parameter is present and true, then IMP will attempt
* to use the user's existing credentials (the username/password
* they used to log in to Horde) to log in to this source. If this
* parameter is 'full', the username will be used unmodified;
* otherwise everything after and including the first @ in the
* username will be stripped off before attempting authentication.
* protocol: One of the following strings:
* + 'imap/notls'
* + 'imap/ssl'
* + 'imap/tls'
* + 'pop3/notls'
* + 'pop3/ssl'
* + 'pop3/tls'
* If using 'pop3/*' you will connect to a POP3 mail server and
* all folder options will be automatically turned off (POP3 does
* not support folders). If you want folders (and for much
* improved performance) it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that IMAP should
* be used instead.
* NOTE: Due to limitations within PHP, IMP can only support auto-
* detection of namespace parameters with IMAP TLS connections
* (e.g 'imap/tls') if using PHP version 5.1.0 or greater.
* If using a version of PHP less than 5.1.0, the following
* options are available:
* 1. RECOMMENDED - If a secure IMAP connection is needed, use
* a direct connection to a SSL enabled IMAP port
* (e.g. 'imap/ssl').
* 2. If you absolutely must use TLS, then it is REQUIRED to
* define the 'namespace' parameter (see below).
* The ssl and tls options will only work if you've compiled PHP
* against a SSL-enabled version of c-client, used the
* --with-imap-ssl and --with-openssl flags when compiling PHP,
* and you have a mail server server which supports SSL.
* ** The test script can help automatically determine the **
* ** correct protocol value to use. See the 'Testing IMP' **
* ** section of imp/docs/INSTALL for instructions on how to **
* ** access the test script. **
* NOTE - If you are using a self-signed server certificate with
* either imap/ssl, imap/tls, pop3/ssl, or pop3/tls, you MUST add
* '/novalidate-cert' to the end of the protocol string. For imap,
* this would be 'imap/ssl/novalidate-cert' or
* 'imap/tls/novalidate-cert', and for pop3 it would be
* 'pop3/ssl/novalidate-cert' or 'pop3/tls/novalidate-cert'. This
* is necessary to tell c-client not to complain about the lack of
* a valid CA on the certificate.
* port: The port that the mail service/protocol you selected runs on.
* Default values:
* 'pop3' 110
* 'pop3s' 995
* 'imap' 143
* 'imaps' 993
* ** The test script can help automatically determine the **
* ** correct port value to use. See the 'Testing IMP' section **
* ** of imp/docs/INSTALL for instructions on how to access the **
* ** test script. **
* maildomain: What to put after the @ when sending mail. i.e. if you want
* all mail to look like 'From: [email protected]' set
* maildomain to 'example.com'. It is generally useful when
* the sending host is different from the mail receiving host. This
* will also be used to complete unqualified addresses when
* composing mail.
* smtphost: If specified, and $conf['mailer']['type'] is set to 'smtp',
* IMP will use this host for outbound SMTP connections. This
* value overrides any existing $conf['mailer']['params']['host']
* value at runtime.
* smtpport: If specified, and $conf['mailer']['type'] is set to 'smtp',
* IMP will use this port for outbound SMTP connections. This value
* overrides any existing $conf['mailer']['params']['port'] value at
* runtime.
* THOSE SERVERS. If you only have one server, or have multiple
* servers with no username clashes, or have full [email protected]
* usernames, you DO NOT need a realm setting. If you set one, an
* '@' symbol plus the realm will be appended to the username that
* users log in to IMP with to create the username that Horde treats
* the user as. So with a realm of 'example.com', the username
* 'jane' would be treated by Horde (NOT your IMAP/POP server) as
* '[email protected]', and the username '[email protected]' would be
* treated as '[email protected]@example.com' - an occasion where you
* probably don't need a realm setting.
* preferred: Only useful if you want to use the same servers.php file
* for different machines: if the hostname of the IMP machine is
* identical to one of those in the preferred list, then the
* corresponding option in the select box will include SELECTED
* (i.e. it is selected per default). Otherwise the first entry
* in the list is selected.
* quota: Use this if you want to display a users quota status on various
* IMP pages. Set 'driver' equal to the mailserver and 'params'
* equal to any extra parameters needed by the driver (see the
* comments located at the top of imp/lib/Quota/[quotadriver].php
* for the parameters needed for each driver).
* Currently available drivers:
* false -- Disable quota checking (DEFAULT)
* 'command' -- Use the UNIX quota command to determine quotas
* 'courier' -- Use the Courier-IMAP server to handle quotas
* You must be connecting to a Courier-IMAP server
* to use this driver
* 'cyrus' -- Use the Cyrus IMAP server to handle quotas
* You must be connecting to a Cyrus IMAP server
* to use this driver
* 'logfile' -- Allow quotas on servers where IMAP Quota
* commands are not supported, but quota info
* appears in the servers messages log for the IMAP
* server.
* 'mdaemon' -- Use Mdaemon servers to handle quotas
* 'mercury32' -- Use Mercury/32 servers to handle quotas
* admin: Use this if you want to enable mailbox management for administrators
* via Horde's user administration interface. The mailbox management
* gets enabled if you let IMP handle the Horde authentication with the
* 'application' authentication driver. Your IMAP server needs to
* support mailbox management via IMAP commands.
* Do not define this value if you do not want mailbox management.
* acl: Use this if you want to use Access Control Lists (folder sharing)
* Set 'driver' equal to the type of ACL your server supports and
* 'params' to an array containing any additional parameters the
* driver needs. Not all IMAP servers currently support this
* feature.
* At present the only drivers supported are 'rfc2086' and 'rfc4314' (in
* Horde 3.1+), neither of which require any parameters.
* SECURITY NOTE: If you do not have the PEAR Auth_SASL module
* installed, the 'rfc2086' driver will send user passwords to the
* IMAP server in plain text when retrieving ACLs.
* *** The following options should NOT be set unless you REALLY know what ***
* *** (the default if the parameters are not set) SHOULD BE USED! ***
* namespace: The list of namespaces that exist on the server. This entry
* must be an array. Example:
* 'namespace' => array('#shared/', '#news/', '#ftp/', '#public/')
* This parameter must be set if using a TLS connection.
* Additionally, this parameter may be set if not using a TLS
* connection and you want to allow access to namespaces that may
* not be publicly advertised by the IMAP server (see RFC
* 2342 [3]). These additional namespaces will be added to the list
* of available namespaces returned by the server.
* imap_config: Manually set IMAP server configuration information. Please see
* http://wiki.horde.org/ImpImapConfig for information on this
* HORDE PROJECT. This entry must be an array with the following
* elements:
* 'children' - (boolean) Whether the IMAP server supports the
* CHILDREN command.
* 'namespace' - (array) The namespace configuration of the
* server. See the return from
* IMAP_Client::namespace() (located in
* imp/lib/IMAP/Client.php) for the structure of
* this array.
* 'search_charset' - (array) A list of charsets the IMAP server
* supports for searches.
* timeout: Manually set server timeouts. This option only works with PHP >=
* 4.3.3. This entry must be an array with the following possible
* elements (if an element is missing, the default value is used):
* IMAP_OPENTIMEOUT - (integer) The timeout for open actions.
* IMAP_READTIMEOUT - (integer) The timeout for read actions.
* IMAP_WRITETIMEOUT - (integer) The timeout for write actions.
* IMAP_CLOSETIMEOUT - (integer) The timeout for close actions.
* login_tries: Manually set the number of login tries we make to the server.
* The PHP imap_open() function will try to login 3 times to a
* server before failing. This value indicates the number of
* times we call imap_open() before IMP fails (we pause one second
* between imap_open() calls). The default value is 3 (meaning IMP
* may attempt to login to the server 9 times). If you have a
* mail server that will lock out an account if a certain number
* of incorrect login attempts occur within a certain period of
* time, you may want to set this to a lower value. The minimum
* value for this setting is 1.
/* Any entries whose key value ('foo' in $servers['foo']) begin with '_'
* (an underscore character) will be treated as prompts, and you won't be
* able to log in to them. The only property these entries need is 'name'.
* This lets you put labels in the list, like this example: */
$servers['_prompt'] = array(
'name' => _("Choose a mail server:")
// get hostname from http URL (patch for Plesk)
$headers = getallheaders();
$ServerName = preg_replace('/^webmail\./', '', preg_replace('/^www\./', '', $headers['Host']));
$DomainName = ($ServerName != '') ? $ServerName : '@DEFAULT_SERVERNAME@';
$servers['imap'] = array(
'name' => 'IMAP Server',
'server' => 'localhost',
'hordeauth' => false,
'protocol' => 'imap/notls',
'port' => 143,
'maildomain' => $DomainName,
'smtphost' => 'localhost',
'smtpport' => 25,
'realm' => '',
'preferred' => '',
'quota' => array(
'driver' => 'courier',
'params' => array(),

Que tensgas estos puertos libres en tu red (tanto en routers como en firewalls)
* 'pop3' 110
* 'pop3s' 995
* 'imap' 143
* 'imaps' 993
* 'pop3' 110
* 'pop3s' 995
* 'imap' 143
* 'imaps' 993

este es el /etc/psa-horde/imp
// $Horde: imp/config/conf.xml,v 2007/05/03 15:24:51 chuck Exp $
* Config for plesk imp
$conf['utils']['spellchecker'] = '/usr/bin/aspell';
$conf['utils']['gnupg'] = '/usr/bin/gpg';
$conf['utils']['gnupg_keyserver'] = array('wwwkeys.pgp.net');
$conf['utils']['gnupg_timeout'] = '10';
$conf['utils']['openssl_cafile'] = '/usr/share/openssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt';
$conf['utils']['openssl_binary'] = '/usr/bin/openssl';
$conf['menu']['apps'] = array('imp', 'ingo', 'kronolith', 'turba');
$conf['user']['allow_view_source'] = true;
$conf['user']['allow_resume_all'] = false;
$conf['user']['allow_resume_all_in_drafts'] = false;
$conf['user']['allow_folders'] = true;
$conf['user']['alternate_login'] = false;
$conf['user']['redirect_on_logout'] = false;
$conf['user']['select_sentmail_folder'] = false;
$conf['server']['server_list'] = 'none';
$conf['server']['change_server'] = false;
$conf['server']['change_port'] = false;
$conf['server']['change_protocol'] = false;
$conf['server']['change_smtphost'] = false;
$conf['server']['change_smtpport'] = false;
$conf['server']['sort_limit'] = '0';
$conf['server']['cache_folders'] = false;
$conf['server']['cache_msgbody'] = false;
$conf['mailbox']['show_attachments'] = false;
$conf['mailbox']['show_preview'] = false;
$conf['mailbox']['show_xpriority'] = false;
$conf['fetchmail']['show_account_colors'] = false;
$conf['fetchmail']['size_limit'] = '4000000';
$conf['msgsettings']['filtering']['words'] = './config/filter.txt';
$conf['msgsettings']['filtering']['replacement'] = '****';
$conf['spam']['reporting'] = false;
$conf['notspam']['reporting'] = false;
$conf['msg']['prepend_header'] = false;
$conf['msg']['append_trailer'] = false;
$conf['compose']['use_vfs'] = false;
$conf['compose']['allow_cc'] = true;
$conf['compose']['allow_bcc'] = true;
$conf['compose']['allow_receipts'] = true;
$conf['compose']['special_characters'] = true;
$conf['compose']['link_all_attachments'] = false;
$conf['compose']['link_attachments'] = true;
$conf['compose']['link_attachments_notify'] = true;
$conf['compose']['add_maildomain_to_unexpandable'] = false;
$conf['compose']['attach_size_limit'] = '0';
$conf['compose']['attach_count_limit'] = '0';
$conf['hooks']['vinfo'] = false;
$conf['hooks']['signature'] = false;
$conf['hooks']['trailer'] = false;
$conf['hooks']['fetchmail_filter'] = false;
$conf['hooks']['mbox_redirect'] = false;
$conf['hooks']['mbox_icon'] = false;
$conf['hooks']['spam_bounce'] = false;
$conf['maillog']['use_maillog'] = true;
$conf['tasklist']['use_tasklist'] = true;
$conf['notepad']['use_notepad'] = true;
// $Horde: imp/config/conf.xml,v 2007/05/03 15:24:51 chuck Exp $
* Config for plesk imp
$conf['utils']['spellchecker'] = '/usr/bin/aspell';
$conf['utils']['gnupg'] = '/usr/bin/gpg';
$conf['utils']['gnupg_keyserver'] = array('wwwkeys.pgp.net');
$conf['utils']['gnupg_timeout'] = '10';
$conf['utils']['openssl_cafile'] = '/usr/share/openssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt';
$conf['utils']['openssl_binary'] = '/usr/bin/openssl';
$conf['menu']['apps'] = array('imp', 'ingo', 'kronolith', 'turba');
$conf['user']['allow_view_source'] = true;
$conf['user']['allow_resume_all'] = false;
$conf['user']['allow_resume_all_in_drafts'] = false;
$conf['user']['allow_folders'] = true;
$conf['user']['alternate_login'] = false;
$conf['user']['redirect_on_logout'] = false;
$conf['user']['select_sentmail_folder'] = false;
$conf['server']['server_list'] = 'none';
$conf['server']['change_server'] = false;
$conf['server']['change_port'] = false;
$conf['server']['change_protocol'] = false;
$conf['server']['change_smtphost'] = false;
$conf['server']['change_smtpport'] = false;
$conf['server']['sort_limit'] = '0';
$conf['server']['cache_folders'] = false;
$conf['server']['cache_msgbody'] = false;
$conf['mailbox']['show_attachments'] = false;
$conf['mailbox']['show_preview'] = false;
$conf['mailbox']['show_xpriority'] = false;
$conf['fetchmail']['show_account_colors'] = false;
$conf['fetchmail']['size_limit'] = '4000000';
$conf['msgsettings']['filtering']['words'] = './config/filter.txt';
$conf['msgsettings']['filtering']['replacement'] = '****';
$conf['spam']['reporting'] = false;
$conf['notspam']['reporting'] = false;
$conf['msg']['prepend_header'] = false;
$conf['msg']['append_trailer'] = false;
$conf['compose']['use_vfs'] = false;
$conf['compose']['allow_cc'] = true;
$conf['compose']['allow_bcc'] = true;
$conf['compose']['allow_receipts'] = true;
$conf['compose']['special_characters'] = true;
$conf['compose']['link_all_attachments'] = false;
$conf['compose']['link_attachments'] = true;
$conf['compose']['link_attachments_notify'] = true;
$conf['compose']['add_maildomain_to_unexpandable'] = false;
$conf['compose']['attach_size_limit'] = '0';
$conf['compose']['attach_count_limit'] = '0';
$conf['hooks']['vinfo'] = false;
$conf['hooks']['signature'] = false;
$conf['hooks']['trailer'] = false;
$conf['hooks']['fetchmail_filter'] = false;
$conf['hooks']['mbox_redirect'] = false;
$conf['hooks']['mbox_icon'] = false;
$conf['hooks']['spam_bounce'] = false;
$conf['maillog']['use_maillog'] = true;
$conf['tasklist']['use_tasklist'] = true;
$conf['notepad']['use_notepad'] = true;

Ah se me olvidaba añade este
* 'smtp' 25
Que el SMTP es el que envia el correo cuando se utiliza POP3
Normalmente SMTP utiliza el puerto 25
Tal vez esta web te ayude:
* 'smtp' 25
Que el SMTP es el que envia el correo cuando se utiliza POP3
Normalmente SMTP utiliza el puerto 25
Tal vez esta web te ayude:

Si no tienes acceso al router firewalls o redes estamos igual que antes, como te dije debes de tener acceso a todo tanto servidor como la red porque el problema puede que sea que el puerto 25 este cerrado en la consiguración del router o firewall

Una cosa que igual es importante, cuando uso un programa de correo como puede ser outlook, thunderbird etc.. se envia y se recibe correctamente.

¿El puerto que me has dicho que lo añado en este archivo?
Si es en ese archivo, ¿como quedaria?
Otra nota:
Para el envio de correo de outlook SMTP utiliza el puerto 587 y para pop3 el 110
¿El puerto que me has dicho que lo añado en este archivo?
Si es en ese archivo, ¿como quedaria?
Otra nota:
Para el envio de correo de outlook SMTP utiliza el puerto 587 y para pop3 el 110

¿El webmail tiene que utilizar estos mismos puertos que utilizo cuando me conecto desde outlook o tengo que utilizar unos diferentes?
Puede que este aqui el problema...
Puede que este aqui el problema...

Entonces añadelo con el puerto 587 y si aun asi sigue sin funcionar seguramente sea un restriccion dentro d eun router firewall o algun aparato en la red
Si no te funciona el 587 usa el 25
Si no te funciona el 587 usa el 25

Vamos a ir descartando cosas, el firewall no puede ser porque no lo tengo activado, lo del router no lo descarto porque podria ser, pero si utilizo el puerto 587 cuando utilizo el outlook no creo que este este este cortado por el router...
¿Es posible utilizar el mismo puerto para las 2 aplicaciones?Es decir para el webmail(horde) y el gestor de correo externo (outlook)
Gracias por todas tus contestaciones me estas ayudando bastante.
¿Es posible utilizar el mismo puerto para las 2 aplicaciones?Es decir para el webmail(horde) y el gestor de correo externo (outlook)
Gracias por todas tus contestaciones me estas ayudando bastante.

Se puede usar el mismo puerto apra dos aplicaciones aunque no es recomendable porque si las dos lo usan a la vez habra conflictos, es mejor usar distintos puertos por ejemplo el 587 para una y para otra el 586

Este es el archivo servers.php
$servers['imap'] = array(
'name' => 'IMAP Server',
'server' => 'localhost',
'hordeauth' => false,
'protocol' => 'imap/notls',
'port' => 143,
'maildomain' => $DomainName,
'smtphost' => 'localhost',
'smtpport' => 587,
'realm' => '',
'preferred' => '',
'quota' => array(
'driver' => 'courier',
'params' => array(),
¿Para hacer el cambio de puerto al 587 tendria que hacerlo como estas viendo aquí arriba?
¿Puede que tenga algo que ver el 'hordeauth' con que no se envien y reciban correos ya que cuando utilizo el outlook si marco la opción mi servidor requiere autentificación?
$servers['imap'] = array(
'name' => 'IMAP Server',
'server' => 'localhost',
'hordeauth' => false,
'protocol' => 'imap/notls',
'port' => 143,
'maildomain' => $DomainName,
'smtphost' => 'localhost',
'smtpport' => 587,
'realm' => '',
'preferred' => '',
'quota' => array(
'driver' => 'courier',
'params' => array(),
¿Para hacer el cambio de puerto al 587 tendria que hacerlo como estas viendo aquí arriba?
¿Puede que tenga algo que ver el 'hordeauth' con que no se envien y reciban correos ya que cuando utilizo el outlook si marco la opción mi servidor requiere autentificación?

En el servers.php tienes comentado esto:
* port: The port that the mail service/protocol you selected runs on.
* Default values:
* 'pop3' 110
* 'pop3s' 995
* 'imap' 143
* 'imaps' 993
Evidentemente segun eso es en servers.php donde tienes que cambiarlo
Tienes que comprobar que Horde te requiere autenticacion porque si no evidentemente no funcionara
* port: The port that the mail service/protocol you selected runs on.
* Default values:
* 'pop3' 110
* 'pop3s' 995
* 'imap' 143
* 'imaps' 993
Evidentemente segun eso es en servers.php donde tienes que cambiarlo
Tienes que comprobar que Horde te requiere autenticacion porque si no evidentemente no funcionara

Cambio el 'hordeauth' => false,
por un true?
¿Cada vez que hago cambios tengo que reiniciar estos servicios?:
Servidor SMTP (QMail)
Servidor IMAP / POP3 (Courier-IMAP)
¿Algún servicio más tengo que reiniciar?
por un true?
¿Cada vez que hago cambios tengo que reiniciar estos servicios?:
Servidor SMTP (QMail)
Servidor IMAP / POP3 (Courier-IMAP)
¿Algún servicio más tengo que reiniciar?

'name' => 'IMAP Server',
'server' => 'localhost',
'hordeauth' => false,
'protocol' => 'imap/notls',
'port' => 143,
'maildomain' => $DomainName,
'smtphost' => 'localhost',
'smtpport' => 25,
'realm' => '',
'preferred' => '',
'quota' => array(
'driver' => 'courier',
'params' => array(),
Asi es como tengo el archivo servers.php ahora mismo, e conseguido que pueda recibir creo que a sido al reiniciar los servicios:
-Servidor SMTP (QMail)
-Servidor IMAP / POP3 (Courier-IMAP)
Pero no consigo enviar nada ¿se te ocurre alguna solución?
'server' => 'localhost',
'hordeauth' => false,
'protocol' => 'imap/notls',
'port' => 143,
'maildomain' => $DomainName,
'smtphost' => 'localhost',
'smtpport' => 25,
'realm' => '',
'preferred' => '',
'quota' => array(
'driver' => 'courier',
'params' => array(),
Asi es como tengo el archivo servers.php ahora mismo, e conseguido que pueda recibir creo que a sido al reiniciar los servicios:
-Servidor SMTP (QMail)
-Servidor IMAP / POP3 (Courier-IMAP)
Pero no consigo enviar nada ¿se te ocurre alguna solución?

Yo creo que el puerto 25 esta cerrado por el tema ese que dicen de spam y demas, ¿que otro puerto podria usar?¿y donde lo cambio?
¿Solo tengo que modificar el servers.php?
¿Solo tengo que modificar el servers.php?

Bueno e probado desde el outlook y poniendo el puerto 587 o el 25 para el SMTP y funcionan por lo que supongo que en el router esos puertos estaran abiertos.
Asi que tiene que ser alguna configuración.
¿Es posible que este en alguna lista negra o algo asi?
Asi que tiene que ser alguna configuración.
¿Es posible que este en alguna lista negra o algo asi?

Puedes usar cualquier puerto alas aplicaciones las da igual que puerto uses mientras todas las partes (servidor y cliente) usen el mismo puerto, lo que apsa que claro ese puerto tiene que estar abierto y para eso necesitarias abrirlo en el router porque en los routers todos los puertos vienen cerrados por defecto

Lo que te digo es que los puertos tienen que estar abiertos ya que estan funcionando si estubiesen cerrados en el router tampoco podria enviar con el outlook por lo que quiero saber que configuración puedo cambiar para que funcione el webmail...

El problema que hay es que no has leido la respuesta entera. jaja
Te resumo el problema:
Webmail no va bien, solo recibe y no envia.
Lo de que estan los puertos abiertos te lo digo porque el outlook si que va y utiliza los mismos puertos... asi que problema del router no es, tiene que ser de alguna configuración en algun archivo...
Te resumo el problema:
Webmail no va bien, solo recibe y no envia.
Lo de que estan los puertos abiertos te lo digo porque el outlook si que va y utiliza los mismos puertos... asi que problema del router no es, tiene que ser de alguna configuración en algun archivo...

Bueno gracias por todo, si no le ves ninguna solución si quieres lo dejamos y te valoro por tu esfuerzo.

Es que es lo que te digo necesitarias acceso a todo al router y a todo si no andamos a ciegas es algo fundamental que tengas acceso a eso (porque seguramente el problema venga de ahi)

¿Que te hace pensar que el problema es del router?
Si el outlook funciona bien utilizando esos puertos, sera porque esos puertos estaran abiertos no?
¿Puede estar un puerto abierto, por ejemplo el 25 SMTP para el servidor de correo SMTP (usando outlook) y estar cerrado para el webmail en el router?
Si el outlook funciona bien utilizando esos puertos, sera porque esos puertos estaran abiertos no?
¿Puede estar un puerto abierto, por ejemplo el 25 SMTP para el servidor de correo SMTP (usando outlook) y estar cerrado para el webmail en el router?

Es que vamos a ver si tienes el 25 bien puesto en el webmail y te funciona en Outlook te tendria que funcionar en el webmail es asi de sencillo los servidores SMTP no tienen capacidad de distinción del cliente, lo que te dije pon bien los puertos
De todas formas el horde no guarda ningun log me gustaria ver que dice el Horde
De todas formas el horde no guarda ningun log me gustaria ver que dice el Horde

El servers.php lo tengo asi:
// get hostname from http URL (patch for Plesk)
$headers = getallheaders();
$ServerName = preg_replace('/^webmail\./', '', preg_replace('/^www\./', '', $headers['Host']));
$DomainName = ($ServerName != '') ? $ServerName : '@DEFAULT_SERVERNAME@';
$servers['imap'] = array(
'name' => 'IMAP Server',
'server' => 'localhost',
'hordeauth' => false,
'protocol' => 'imap/notls',
'port' => 143,
'maildomain' => $DomainName,
'smtphost' => 'localhost',
'smtpport' => 25,
'realm' => '',
'preferred' => '',
'quota' => array(
'driver' => 'courier',
'params' => array(),
Creo que esta bien puesto, sino lo esta dime donde ves el fallo.
// get hostname from http URL (patch for Plesk)
$headers = getallheaders();
$ServerName = preg_replace('/^webmail\./', '', preg_replace('/^www\./', '', $headers['Host']));
$DomainName = ($ServerName != '') ? $ServerName : '@DEFAULT_SERVERNAME@';
$servers['imap'] = array(
'name' => 'IMAP Server',
'server' => 'localhost',
'hordeauth' => false,
'protocol' => 'imap/notls',
'port' => 143,
'maildomain' => $DomainName,
'smtphost' => 'localhost',
'smtpport' => 25,
'realm' => '',
'preferred' => '',
'quota' => array(
'driver' => 'courier',
'params' => array(),
Creo que esta bien puesto, sino lo esta dime donde ves el fallo.

Dices que te gustaria ver que dice horde, dime que archivo necesitas para verlo si necesitas alguno.
Cuando pulso sobre el boton de enviar no dice nada, no da ningun error simplemente no envia.
Bueno gracias por tu tiempo de verdad.
Cuando pulso sobre el boton de enviar no dice nada, no da ningun error simplemente no envia.
Bueno gracias por tu tiempo de verdad.

Lo unico que hay en el archivo de log de horde es algo parecido a esto pero con mis datos (mi ip y mi correo).
Pero este log se crea cuando te equivocas en el login y password al acceder a horde.
Feb 21 20:45:04 HORDE [error] [imp] FAILED LOGIN to localhost:143
[imap/notls] as [email protected] [on line 258 of "/usr/share/psa-horde/imp/lib/Au
Pero este log se crea cuando te equivocas en el login y password al acceder a horde.
Feb 21 20:45:04 HORDE [error] [imp] FAILED LOGIN to localhost:143
[imap/notls] as [email protected] [on line 258 of "/usr/share/psa-horde/imp/lib/Au
- Compartir respuesta
- Anónimo
ahora mismo