Windows 2000 profesional

Help me
tengo una pc que olvidaron su password y necesito borrar este password para poder entrar .... Ya no esta en red
y el disco duro lo puse como esclavo de una maquina con win xp ...
puedo borrarlo desde win xp ...
si me pueden ayudar por favor se los agradecere infinitamente

1 respuesta

Esto deja en blanco todas las contraseñas locales, pero haz copia del sam por si acaso no funciiona.
Una manera es borrar el sam, esto borra solo las contraseñas de las cuentas locales del equipo .
Tienes que acceder con un disket que te soporte ntfs o poner el disco duro en otro 2000, y ya sin porblemas.
> You do not have to reinstall Win2k (or shouldn't have to anyhow). An
> easy way to break into the machine is if you can boot from a floppy
> (Either a linux based boot disk, or a ntfspro boot disk, or anything
> That will read/write an ntfs partition) and delete (or better yet,
> rename) the %SYSTEMROOT%\WINNT\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SAM. This file contains
> the password info for all local machine accounts (I'm assuming this is a
> workstation and not a server). Boot the system and log in as
> administrator with no password. Add necessary groups into the
> Administrators group, reboot back to the boot disk and move the SAM back
> To it's original place. Boot back up, log in with a domain account and
> Reset the administrator password.
> The reasoning behind renaming the SAM, then copying it back is if the
> Machine has local accounts for services (such as SMS), you may want to
> Preserve those machine accounts. My .02 cents anyhow :)
> Also, if no boot disk is available, or can't get into the BIOS to set
> The machine to boot from the floppy/cd, you can always move the drive to
> Another machine and achieve the same results.

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