Estoy intentando filtrar una tabla mediante una macro, con elementos diferentes a ciertos específicos, pero no funciona
Lo que quiero es filtrar la tabla, la columna WBS, de manera que los elementos que sean distintos de "36011/01221","36011/01222","36011/01223","36011/01224","36011/01225", se queden en la tabla, es decir sacar fuera a dichos elementos.
Sub eliminar()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim wsHojaActual9 As Worksheet
Dim wsHojaNueva9 As Worksheet
Dim RangeDats9 As Range
Dim lRow9 As Long
'We set that the page we are working with is the "Foup_AllData"
Set wsHojaActual9 = Worksheets("Foup_AllData")
'We set that the range, is the range we are using on the page, the complete table
Set RangeDats9 = wsHojaActual9.UsedRange
' We apply this codi to filter the table in the 19 position, with elements that are diferente from a blank cell
RangeDats9.AutoFilter Field:=19, Criteria1:=Array("<>*36011/01221*", "<>*36011/01222*"), Operator:=xlAnd
End Sub