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No entiendo esta frase en inglés
Tengo un blog y a veces me hacen comentarios en inglés que más o menos entiendo, pero en esta frase no acabo de entender bien el sentido: ¿Pensó qué mi hijo se llamaba Abril y que era una chica? Dice lo siguiente: "I try to read your blog in Spanish...
18 respuestas
Email Signature to brand your business
Maintaining a brand is key to business success. Emails are essential to run the online business communication in now a day. Emails with perfect signature plays the major role in maintaining company brand. They are the best approach to promote any...
14 respuestas
What are some fun things to do on the Internet with no friends?
Just pickup any random skill and start learning, don’t worry about the outcomes, just learn it. You never know when that skill will become useful to you in the future. Steve jobs took a class on calligraphy during his college days, and that skill...
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Man U win on Poker penalties
The Daily Mail report on the Poker Community Shield, which Manchester United won on penalties against Chelsea. Sir Alex Ferguson says that it's just the start of something special and his team are better than they were last season, yadda yadda yadda....
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Having spent so long abroad Nakata has not found adapting ?
Having spent so long abroad Nakata has not found adapting to a new country and langauge a problem although admits, "My Italian is of course still better than my English having spent seven years over there!" The elegant playmaker, who turns 29 later...
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Tips to start designing websites?
There is no a definitive process to follow step by step when it comes to designing a website, because in reality each designer has their own way of designing and routine to follow and it works. The truth is that there are many steps that you must...
18 respuestas
Mantuve relaciones sexuales con el hermano de mi marido y no se si contarlo por si rompo su familia
No se que hacer cometí una estupidez y le fui infiel a mi esposo con su hermano y aunque fue solo una vez y le dije a mi cuñado que jamas se repetiría y que lo olvidara me siento tan mal no se ni por que lo hice ayer estuve a punto de decirle a mi...
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Que es el renacimiento para ustedes?
Pero en forma de entrevista con sus propias palabras gracias ... Por que dice la tarea averiguar sobre el renacimiento
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Pay For An Essay – Save Your Time & Get An A Grade
Essay writing seems like a simple task. In fact, this is a real nightmare. ¿Want to know why? Almost every student experiences a constant feeling of stress due to being behind schedule. Many colleges or universities create timetables that negatively...
29 respuestas
Disertación filosófica sobre: ¿Qué es la filosofía?
Soy alumno de 1º de bachillerato y es mi primer año de filosofía y necesito hacer un trabajito de disertación sobre el tema de: ¿Qué es la filosofía?. Bueno la estructura sobre disertación la tengo lo que pasa es que necesito un ejemplo de un trabajo...
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