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Systray en PowerBuilder
Requiero que una aplicacion de PB pueda ponerse en el systray de window ya que la aplicacion debe de monitorear la llegada de ciertos archivos pero no debe interrumpir con el uso normal de la computadora y como que tenerla en la barra de tareas es...
2 respuestas
Autónomo - 303 solo con ingresos del extranjero
Normalmente trabajo con clientes españoles (con IVA) y sobre todo extranjeros (sin IVA), por lo que además del 303 presento el 130. Parece que este trimestre no tendré ingresos de clientes españoles, pero entiendo que tengo que presentar el 303 de...
4 respuestas
What do I need for ice fishing?
First thing you need, is a place to fish and a way to get there, it's always a good idea to have a buddy, or more go with you, like everything else, safety first.
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Error Fechas
Estoy importando una base de datos de Oracle hacia SQL SERVER 7.0, pero me aparece el siguiente error The number of mailing rows exceeds the maximum specified. Insert error, column 71 (?Campo_fecha?, DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow....
1 respuesta
How do I find a trustworthy broker trading Forex?
A good broker will always be dedicated to its clients. So to find a good broker you should always check the customer support first. When I look for a broker along with checking their customer support services, I open a demo account to see the...
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Online Casinos Can Catch and Grab You for KeepsWhile many people enjoy the thrill of playing casino games .
Online Casinos Can Catch and Grab You for Keeps While many people enjoy the thrill of playing casino games from the comfort of their own homes, it is important to remember that online casinos can catch and grab you for keeps. This is because of the...
24 respuestas
How can I develop a real time video streaming service?
It is not an easy task to develop such video streaming from scratch - you can set up such services as a part of your own video-on-demand (VOD) website based on a SaaS VOD platform
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How to choose a taxi service when arriving at an unfamiliar airport?
I like to travel. But I always have a fear about how to get from the airport to the city without problems. After all, as you know, most airports are located far from the city. ¿How to choose a taxi service when arriving at an unfamiliar airport?
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How to merge different files of PST in single file
Merge PST software to designed to safely merge Multiple items. This innovation utility offers a cost-effective and fastest option to Merge PST notes, massage, journal, contacts, events and other mail items into a single file without any loss a data....
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Dirección MAC código
¿Existe alguna función o código que obtenga la dirección MAC de la tarjeta de red de un PC?
1 respuesta
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