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I have noticed that recently some football clubs have started to sign contracts with sponsors

Hi guys, ¿Are there any football fans here who follow the industry? I have noticed that recently some football clubs have started to sign contracts with sponsors that are completely unrelated to sports. I recently learned about a new sponsor of a...
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Busco cortos de caricaturas de football con animales de los90s

En el canal zas en los 90s luego sacaban cortos de caricaturas de 2 equipos de animales jugando football soccer, por ejemplo focas contra rinocerontes y el partido le cambiaban mucho los climas dándole ventaja a uno y otro
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¿Qué reglas existen sobre las patadas de desepeje en el fútbol americano?

Cuando por ejemplo el "Equipo A" hace una patada de despeje, lo que puede suceder es que un jugador del "Equipo B" agarre el balón o también que el balón salga de la cancha. Mi pregunta, ¿Un jugador del "Equipo A" puede agarrar el balón?
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Football prices, half-balls, merging two, betting on football with techniques to see online football prices for profit

Sbo is a website that offers various types of online sports betting. Whether it's betting on football, tennis, baseball or basketball. There are all options to play. Only not enough We also provide casino games for you to play fully. The system...
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Are there any football fans here?

Hi guys! I hope there are some real football fans here. ¿I would like to know if you place bets on your favorite football club? And where do you do it?