Devin Greene

Devin Greene

 Irlanda @devingreene desde - visto

Actividad pública reciente

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Como conseguir un game shark

I have created a shark in the game Minecraft apk, you can try my way, but if you have a better way, please let me know.
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Boton de escenas en windows movie maker

Your question is very similar to mine, I also have the same questions, hope everyone can answer so we can learn together. By the way, the cinemahd movie watching page that I manage has many good movies, when you have free time, you can come and watch it.
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Conectar disco multimedia a home cinema

respondió: No conozco en detalle el home cinema, pero en el disco tienes una salida analógica (rca rojo y negro) de audio además si el LG acepta entrada coaxial (cosa muy probable) podrás incluso escuchar las películas en 5.1.

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