Fred Martzen

Fred Martzen

 800 puntos  Estados Unidos @fredmartzen desde - visto


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Como puedo arreglar mi problema que tengo y poder tener los dos lados del cuerpo igual de desarrollados ?

¿Are you stronger on one side than the other? If not, I wouldn't worry about it and things will even out. If yes, then you can focus on strengthening the other side of your body to catch up.
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Which movers in the company are better?

This article has a lot of information about what you should look for in a moving company. There is definitely more to consider than you'd think. If you need a moving job done urgently, you'll probably...
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Porque hay tantos periodistas que son abogados

There's definitely some overlap. You do have to be familiar with law in journalism, as well as the ethics which apply. Depending on what type of journalist you are, you may have to know a lot about law, for example if you're covering local government...
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Minimizar as perdas nas apostas desportivas

Don't be what you can't afford or don't want to lose. If you're looking for some type of career or income stream through gambling, that's probably not the right way to go about it. Do it because it's fun and only bet what you're comfortable losing....
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Puedo tomar flagyl 500mg cápsulas vaginales estando con la menstruación?

You should consult a doctor of pharmacist for that information, not people on the internet.
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¿Con 15 años puedo comenzar a jugar volleyball?

No reason why not. You may be behind in terms of your skill since others have been playing longer, but you'll get better with practice and drills. Playing a sport will probably help you break out of shyness to since it builds confidence and you...
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¿Puedo cambiar salir a correr por salto a la comba?

No reason why not. Jumping rope is good exercise, but it seems more boring than running and cycling to me. At least with those you get to see some different scenery.
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Que bate de baseball es? No veo bien la marca

Bats don't tend to have a lot of value unless they're signed by a professional or have been used by one in a game, at least in terms of a collectible. If you mean just to sell it to another person, you might be able to get a small amount for it. If...

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