
Hola experto, si no le importa me gustaría que me tradujera lo siguiente:
"Hola, me dirigo a ustedes porque el día 24 de diciembre compré un artículo vuestro y todavía no he recibido ninguna notificación de habermelo enviado.  Por tanto, quisiera saber que ocurre con el estado del pedido y cuando será enviado o si existe algún problema"

3 Respuestas

Aqui tienes la traduccion es lo mas fiel a lo que quieres decir, espero q t sirva, adios. No t olvides de puntuar la respuesta.
Hello, I'm writing because I bought an article from you on December 24th, but I haven't gotten any notification that it's been sent. For that reason, I would like to know what it's going on with my order and when it's going to be sent. Also if there's any problem I would appreciate to be notified. Thanks.
¿A qué idioma?
perdona, en inglés

Hi, I write you because December 24th I bought an item that you offered and I have not received some advise indicating the send. I want to know what happens with it or if there is a trouble.
¿A qué idioma?
perdona, a inglés
I am writing to you because on December 24 I bought your article and still I have not received any notification of my having sent it. Therefore, I woult like to know about the state of the order and when it will be sent or if there's some problem with it.

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