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Born in 1959 in guatemal. She started work at the age of eight because she could not go to school. An indian hersel, she campaigned for the rights of indigenous peoples in central america.
born in atlanta, georgia,usain 1929.he campaigned for the rights of blak people in the usa. Four years after receiving the nobel peace prize in 1964, a white extremist killed him.
born in 1910 as agnes gonxha bojaxhiu. She was a roman catholic nu. She worked all her life for poor people in the third world.
born in atlanta, georgia,usain 1929.he campaigned for the rights of blak people in the usa. Four years after receiving the nobel peace prize in 1964, a white extremist killed him.
born in 1910 as agnes gonxha bojaxhiu. She was a roman catholic nu. She worked all her life for poor people in the third world.
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