Wedding costums
Por favor necesito que me ayudes y colabores a hacer estos dos puntos, gracias lo necesito entre hoy y mañana, es para la clase de mi hermana, de recuperación.
1. Look for information about wedding customs in another cities and fill in the chart to help you organize your ideas.
country preparation for a wedding the ceremony the reception
2. Write an article comparing and describing both wedding customs, then, present your article to the rest of the class. As a class, discuss how you would combine both customs if you married a person from the other country,
Gracias dios te bendiga
1. Look for information about wedding customs in another cities and fill in the chart to help you organize your ideas.
country preparation for a wedding the ceremony the reception
2. Write an article comparing and describing both wedding customs, then, present your article to the rest of the class. As a class, discuss how you would combine both customs if you married a person from the other country,
Gracias dios te bendiga
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