Discoverer 9i y servidor de aplicaciones

Ojala puedan ayudarme con un problema que tengo, por esas cosas de la vida me capacitaron en discoverer 4 (administracion y usuario final), pero de configuracion de servidor de aplicaciones nada, el problema es que se migro de plataforma 8 a 9ias, pero el servidor de aplicaciones esta en una maquina y y la base de datos en otra,
bueno resumen con la version cliente y administrador del discoverer no tengo problemas, pero ni yo ni el DBA sabemos como accesar a la ruta para la version WEB del discoverer, con el 4 era facil por que habia que colocar la ruta ... Pero con el 9i no tengo idea
me podrian ayudar, no quiero aparecer en las listas de desempleados
Aqui hay algo te te ayudará:
PD. No te olvides de cerrar la pregunta
goal: ¿How to start Discoverer 4i Plus and Viewer?
Fact: Oracle Discoverer 4.1
fact: USER_JAV
fact: VIEW_HTM
1. Discoverer Plus
1.1. Discoverer 4i Plus has default initiation URL as follows:
where hostname.domain:port is the machine where Discoverer is installed (see
the administrator for details). Example of this URL is:
1.2. This URL is redirected according to a browser used (Internet Explorer or
Netscape) to the language and region selection page. Example of this URL is:
quot; (IE)
htm" (Netscape)
1.3. After selecting the preferred language and region and clicking on 'Next'
link the Discoverer Start Page is displayed. Example of this URL is:
quot; (IE)
htm" (Netscape)
1.3.1. If this is the first time Netscape is used to start Plus then the Oracle
JInitiator setup page is displayed before the Start Page. It is necessary to
download and install correct version of JInitiator prior using Plus. Example of
this URL is:
1.4. Starting Plus with JInitiator in Internet Explorer. Due to several
problems with Microsoft IE native JVM it is recommended to use IE with
JInititator. To start IE with JInitiator manually type in the Netscape URL from
point 1.2. to the IE address bar. Then follow the instruction to install
JInititator and start Plus.
2. Discoverer Viewer
2.1. Discoverer 4i Viewer has default initiation URL as follows:
where hostname.domain:port is the machine where Discoverer is installed (see
the administrator for details). Example of this URL is:
There is only one URL for both Internet Explorer and Netscape. This URL brings
the Viewer logon dialog.
3. URL Parameters
It is possible to specify various URL parameters for Plus and Viewer to
automate some startup routines, for example bypassing the logon dialog.
3.1. Discoverer Plus. Discoverer Plus has the format of URL parameters as
Example of the URL for bypassing the logon dialog is:
This URL opens a Discoverer Start Page and after clicking on 'Start' image,
Plus is started with bypassing the logon dialog.
3.2. Discoverer Viewer. Discoverer Viewer has the format of URL parameters as
Example of the URL for bypassing the logon dialog is:
For all available URL parameters please refer to Discoverer documentation.
Oracle9iAS DiscovererTM Plus and Viewer Configuration Guide,
Chapter 2 Running, Maintaining and Supporting Oracle9iAS Discoverer,
2.1.1 Running Discoverer Plus
2.1.2 Running Discoverer Viewer
Chapter 4 Using a URL to start Oracle9iAS Automatically,
4.2 Discoverer Plus URL arguments
4.3 Discoverer Viewer URL arguments
se agradece esta muy bien la respuesta claro que todo esta en referencia al discoverer 4i, y lo que yo necesito es configurar el "discoverer 9i" para poder ocuparlo via web, haber si me pudueden orienta pero en el 9i "Discovrer 9i"

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