Hola, quisiera saber como inserto un salto de página en un reporte o como establezco un tamaño de pagina. Gracias por la respuesta q pudieras darme. Chau.
1 respuesta
Respuesta de consite
consite, Diego Rodrigo Munoz Herrera, de 34 anios de edad, estudios en...
Dele una leidita al help .. En modo de diseño ================= Cambiando desde la opcion del menu File / page Setup En tiempo de ejecucion usas: Pagesize ========== PAGESIZE is the size of a logical page for the converted reports in terms of destination unit of measurement (specified using the DUNIT keyword). Syntax ====== [PAGESIZE=]width x height Values ======== Any valid value in the unit of measurement and of the form width x height. Default ======= For bitmap, 8.5 x 11 inches. For character mode, 80 x 66 characters. If the report was designed for character mode and is being run or converted on bitmap, the following formula is used to determine page size if none is specified: (default page size * character page size)/default character page size. For example, if the character page size is 80 x 20, the bit-mapped page size would be: (8.5 * 80)/80 x (11 * 20)/66 = 8.5 x 3.33. Usage Notes ============ n For non-character DUNITs, you can use a decimal to specify fractions (e.g., 8.5 x 11).