Script de version no compatible
He encontrado la posible causa del Error antes preguntado, aislando una parte del script en una nueva movie encontre que no funciona bien al publicarlo da el error de Script, parece ser que es por ser de una version anterior, ya que lo saque de un ejemplo, ahora como le hago para que lo corra sin problemas, como lo actualizo. El script es este,sirve para guardar datos en file txt,funciona de maravilla mientras no lo publique en .exe, muchas gracias uso Director MX V.10:
global user
on mouseUp
user = the text of field "nom"
if objectP(myFile) then set myFile = 0 -- Delete the instance if it already exists
mySaveString1 = " -Nombre: "&the text of field "nom" -- Put some text into a variable
mySaveString2 = " -Profesión: "&the text of field "profe"
mySaveString3 = " -Trabajo: "&the text of field "travail"
mySaveString4 = " "
-- charCounter = member("nom").word.char.count -- chercher info
myFile = new(xtra "fileio") -- Create an instance of FileIO
openFile(myfile, the moviePath&"info.txt",0) --Open the file with R/W access
setPosition(myfile,getLength(myFile)) -- Set position to end of file
writeString(myFile, mySaveString1) -- Append text to the file
writeString(myFile, mySaveString2)
writeString(myFile, mySaveString3)
writeString(myFile, mySaveString4)
closeFile (myfile) -- Close the file
myFile = 0 -- Dispose of the instance
global user
on mouseUp
user = the text of field "nom"
if objectP(myFile) then set myFile = 0 -- Delete the instance if it already exists
mySaveString1 = " -Nombre: "&the text of field "nom" -- Put some text into a variable
mySaveString2 = " -Profesión: "&the text of field "profe"
mySaveString3 = " -Trabajo: "&the text of field "travail"
mySaveString4 = " "
-- charCounter = member("nom").word.char.count -- chercher info
myFile = new(xtra "fileio") -- Create an instance of FileIO
openFile(myfile, the moviePath&"info.txt",0) --Open the file with R/W access
setPosition(myfile,getLength(myFile)) -- Set position to end of file
writeString(myFile, mySaveString1) -- Append text to the file
writeString(myFile, mySaveString2)
writeString(myFile, mySaveString3)
writeString(myFile, mySaveString4)
closeFile (myfile) -- Close the file
myFile = 0 -- Dispose of the instance
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