Diferencia entre dos fechas

He intentado hacer una función en PHP que me halle la diferencia entre dos fechas, en años, meses y días. Por ejemplo: que entre el 20-01-2004 y el 24-02-2005 me diga que han transcurrido 1 año, 1 mes 4 días. Por más que lo he intentado no encuentro la forma correcta, que no falle nunca, si fuera sólo en días es muy fácil, pero de la forma que necesito no soy capaz de hacerlo.

1 Respuesta

He encontrado un script que hace lo que tu quieres. Pruebalo y me comentas:
Por si no puedes (o no quieres) abrir esa página de internet, aquí te pongo el contenido:
// This is a simple script to calculate the difference between two dates
// and express it in years, months and days
// use as in: "my daughter is 4 years, 2 month and 17 days old" ... :-)
// Feel free to use this script for whatever you want
// version 0.1 / 2002-10-3
// please send comments and feedback to [email protected]
// ****************************************************************************
// configure the base date here
$base_day = 11; // no leading "0"
$base_mon = 5; // no leading "0"
$base_yr = 2001; // use 4 digit years!
// get the current date (today) -- change this if you need a fixed date
$current_day = date ("j");
$current_mon = date ("n");
$current_yr = date ("Y");
// and now .... calculate the difference! :-)
// overflow is always caused by max days of $base_mon
// so we need to know how many days $base_mon had
$base_mon_max = date ("t",mktime (0,0,0,$base_mon,$base_day,$base_yr));
// days left till the end of that month
$base_day_diff = $base_mon_max - $base_day;
// month left till end of that year
// substract one to handle overflow correctly
$base_mon_diff = 12 - $base_mon - 1;
// start on jan 1st of the next year
$start_day = 1;
$start_mon = 1;
$start_yr = $base_yr + 1;
// difference to that 1st of jan
$day_diff = ($current_day - $start_day) + 1; // add today
$mon_diff = ($current_mon - $start_mon) + 1; // add current month
$yr_diff = ($current_yr - $start_yr);
// and add the rest of $base_yr
$day_diff = $day_diff + $base_day_diff;
$mon_diff = $mon_diff + $base_mon_diff;
// handle overflow of days
if ($day_diff >= $base_mon_max)
$day_diff = $day_diff - $base_mon_max;
$mon_diff = $mon_diff + 1;
// handle overflow of years
if ($mon_diff >= 12)
$mon_diff = $mon_diff - 12;
$yr_diff = $yr_diff + 1;
// the results are here:
// $yr_diff --> the years between the two dates
// $mon_diff --> the month between the two dates
// $day_diff --> the days between the two dates
// ****************************************************************************
// simple output of the results
print "The difference between <b>".$base_yr."-".$base_mon."-".$base_day."</b> ";
print "and <b>".$current_yr."-".$current_mon."-".$current_day."</b> is:";
print "<br><br>";
// this is just to make it look nicer
$years = "years";
$days = "days";
if ($yr_diff == "1") $years = "year";
if ($day_diff == "1") $days = "day";
// here we go
print $yr_diff." ".$years.", ";
print $mon_diff." month and ";
print $day_diff." ".$days;

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