Sims 2

En el sims 1, le dabas a las teclas CTRL+ALT+C (creo que eran ) y salia una barra arriba donde ponias la unas palabras cable como: rosebud, con el cual conseguias dinero.
Mi pregunta es, ¿Hay alguna manera de conseguir dinero en el sims 2 haciendo trampa?
Muchas gracias de antemano

1 respuesta

He aqui los cheat de los sims 2:
Sims 2, The
Get 50,000 money
Press CTL + Shift + C and type in Motherlode.
Film making codes
Press CTL + Shift + C and type any of the following:
Set to ?true? for all filmic cheats to function: boolProp enablePostProcessing true/false 0 is normal and 8 is slower: Slowmotion 0-8
A look that is bright and blurry. "r", "g," and "b" are color values (0-255) and "x" is the amount of blooming from 0 to 255: Bloom (r g b x)
Creates a filmic look in which a clear focal point and blurry surrounding: vignette (centerx centery X)
Changes film graininess: filmgrain (0-1)
Makes a letterbox view of a designated size: letterbox (0.0-0.4)
In-game cheats
Press Ctrl + Shift + C to bring up the console. Now enter any of the following codes.
Add 1,000 dollars to household funds: Kaching
Move unmovable objects: Moveobjects on/off
Sims won't age: Aging on/off
Changes Sim's height: StretchSkeleton
Toggles notification of available game patches: Autopatch on/off
Turning off for better game performance with some graphical errors: Vsync on/off
Lists some of the cheats: Help
Closes cheat window: Exit
Expands or contracts the cheat window: Expand
Neighborhood cheats
Press Ctrl + Shift + C then type either of the following:
Removes every sim from the neighborhood: deleteAllCharacters
Toggles between two terrain types: TerrainType desert/temperate
Bigger bonuses
You can combine aspiration rewards to get even bigger bonuses.
Combine Aspiration Rewards
Combine aspiration rewards for even bigger boosts. For example, if your Sim is wearing a Thinking Cap and feeds Smart Milk to their Toddler, the Toddler builds skill four times as fast!

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