Ayuda con AGP

Hola experto: tengo una dificultad con la tarjeta Aceleradora de video. Es una GEFORCE 6200 de 256MB. Cuando la instalé en mi equipo que tiene un procesador AMD Sempron de 1.6 Gb y 512mb RAM. Arranca bien todo el ambiente de windows y los juegos tambien inician bien, pero, cuando lleva unos minutos jugando se bloquea. Yo creo que es la configuracon de la Main board. Ya intente habilitando algunos parametos y desabilitando otros pero no me funciona. Como hay que hacer?
laMain board es M7VIG 400. El manual de la tarjeta grafica aconseja desabilitar cualquier controlador grafico integrado ya sea mediante jumper en la placa base o cambiando la prioriadad en el adaptador de pantalla en el Bios, CMOS o configuracion de hardware.
Este es un fragmento que aparece en el manual de la Board...(puede servir)
Gracias por la ayuda
AGP & P2P Bridge Control
If you highlight the literal ?Press Enter? Next to the ?AGP & P2P Bridge Control? Label and then press the enter key, it will take you a submenu with the following options:
AGP Aperture Size
Select the size of the Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) aperture. The aperture is a portion of the PCI memory address range dedicated for graphics memory address space. Host cycles that hit the aperture range are forwarded to the AGP without any translation.
The Choices: 64M, 256M, 128M (default), 32M, 16M, 8M, 4M.
AGP Mode
This item allows you to select the AGP Mode.
The Choices: 4X (default), 2X, 1X.
AGP Driving Control
By choosing ?Auto? The system BIOS will the AGP output Buffer Drive strength P Ctrl by AGP Card. By choosing ?Manual?, it allows user to set AGP output Buffer Drive strength P Ctrl by manual.
The Choices: Auto (default), Manual.
AGP Driving Value
While AGP driving control item set to ?Manual?, it allows user to set AGP driving.
The Choices: DA (default).
AGP Fast Write
This item allows you to enable or disable AGP Fast Write function.
The Choices: Enabled, Disabled (default).
AGP Master 1 WS Write
When Enabled, writes to the AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) are executed with one-wait states.
The Choices: Disabled (default), Enabled.
AGP Master 1 WS Write
When Enabled, write to the AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) are executed with one wait states.
The Choices: Disabled (default), Enabled.
AGP Master 1 WS Read
When Enabled, read to the AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) are executed with 14M7VIG 400 BIOS Setup
one wait states.
The Choices: Disabled (default), Enabled.
CPU & PCI Bus Control
If you highlight the literal ?Press Enter? Next to the ?CPU & PCI Bus Control? Label and then press the enter key, it will take you a submenu with the following options:
PCI1 Master 0 WS Write
When enabled, writes to the PCI bus are executed with zero-wait states.
The Choices: Enabled (default), Disabled.
PCI2 Master 0 WS Write
When enabled, writes to the AGP bus are executed with zero-wait states.
The Choices: Enabled (default), Disabled.
PCI1 Post Write
When Enabled, CPU writes are allowed to post on the PCI bus.
The Choices: Enabled (default), Disabled.
PCI2 Post Write
When Enabled, CPU writes are allowed to post on the AGP bus.
The Choices: Enabled (default), Disabled.
VLink 8X Support
This item allows you to enable or disable VLink 8X support.
The Choices: Enabled (default), Disabled.
PCI Delay Transaction
The chipset has an embedded 32-bit posted write buffer to support delay transactions cycles. Select Enabled to support compliance with PCI specification.
The Choices: Enabled (default), Disabled.
Memory Hole
When enabled, you can reserve an area of system memory for ISA adapter ROM. When this area is reserved, it cannot be cached. Refer to the user documentation of the peripheral you are installing for more information.
The Choices: Disabled (default), 15M ? 16M.
System BIOS Cacheable
Selecting the ?Enabled? Option allows caching of the system BIOS ROM at F0000h-FFFFFh, which can improve system performance. However, any programs writing to this area of memory will cause conflicts and result in system errors.
The Choices: Enabled, Disabled (default).
Video RAM Cacheable
Enabling this option allows caching of the video RAM, resulting in better system performance. However, if any program writes to this memory area, a system error may result.
The Choices: Enabled, Disabled (default). 15M7VIG 400 BIOS Setup
5 Integrated Peripherals
VIA OnChip IDE Device
The chipset contains a PCI IDE interface with support for two IDE channels.
Select ?Enabled? To activate the first and / or second IDE interface. If you install a primary and / or secondary add-in IDE interface, select ?Disabled? To deactivate an interface. If you highlight the literal ?Press Enter? Next to the ?Onchip IDE Control? Label and then press the enter key, it will take you a submenu with the following options:
This item allows you to enable or disable the On-Chip Serial ATA.
The Choices: Enabled (default), Disabled.
IDE DMA transfer access
The ?onboard? IDE drive interface supports IDE DMA read/write function.
The Choices: Enabled (default), Disabled.
OnChip IDE Channel 0/1
The motherboard chipset contains a PCI IDE interface with support for
two IDE channels. Select ?Enabled? To activate the first and/or second IDE interface. Select ?Disabled? To deactivate an interface if you are going to install a primary and/or secondary add-in IDE interface.
The Choices: Enabled (default), Disabled.

1 respuesta

Perdona que no contestara antes, pero he tenido problemas de conexión.
Según la web de Biostar (http://www.biostar-usa.com/mbdetails.asp?model=m7vig+400) tu placa tiene video integrado, por lo que deberías desactivarlo.
En alguna de las opciones de la bios debería haber alguna opción que te permita elegir entre el agp o la integrada/pci.
Aparte de esp, el problema puede deberse a varias causas.
Una causa es que si estás al límite con respecto a los requisitos mínimos de los juegos, pueden aparecerte bloqueos.
En ese caso, cierra todos los programas en ejecución antes de jugar, defragmenta el disco y asegúrate de que tienes suficiente espacio en el disco duro.
El problema también puede venir por un excesivo calentamiento del micro.
Prueba con programas de monitorizacion de temperaturas y cuando te pase
Comprueba a qué temperatura está el procesador.

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