European Air War

Hola, mi problema es el siguiente, me baje el European Air War, lo instale... Y cuando lo voy a ejecutar dice que no funciona bajo windows 2000. Quisiera saber si existe algun patch para solucionar esto. Desde ya, muchas gracias!.

1 respuesta

He estado mirando el caso que comentas, y he encontrado lo siguiente : Si se trata de la demo, olvidate, no funciona bajo windows 2000. Si por el contrario hablas del juego completo de Microprose, puedes hacer que funcione. Lamentablemente, las instrucciones que encontre, están en inglés. Si quieres echarles un vistazo, las puedes encontrar en
Una vez dentro, elige la opción "compatibility", y busca el juego.
Compatibility List - European Air War
Publisher/Vendor: Microprose
Subcategory: General
Working: Yes
Comments: Received the follow messages:
1) runs with setwin95.cmd utility
2) I have run the patch to update eaw and run the appcompat with windows 2000 selected the game does not start and I get an error message msvcrt.dll is not compatable with win32's, this site says it should run after updating eaw to version 1.2 but it still doesnt.
3) First, update EAW to Version1.2. Then install APCOMPAT.exe (it´s in a support drawer of the W2K-CD). Run APCOMPAT.exe, checkmark only NT5 as the operating system, and link (important!) AUTOPLAY.exe from the EAW-CD in the field "Start the following program". Klick OK! Then the autostart EAW screen appears. Tested under Win2K/SP1/DirectX8/Det 6.31/Using unoffical EAW 1.2a patch
4) Install the game like normal, and wait for it to give the error message at the end of the install. Replace the eaw.exe file in the install directory with the copy on the cd to get rid of the invalid win32 application message. Enjoy. Tested with SP2, latest compatibility updates, and version 1.0 of EAW.
5) Hi, i patched EAW to run under Win2k it was just suffering from detecting the O/S rather than DX version, hope some peeps find this helpful

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