Bueno es un poco aburrido, pero básicamente lo que haces es un ciclo para crear una a una las columnas que desees.
Para crear una columna por código usas la siguiente sintaxis. Te envío toda la sintaxis completa con cada una de sus opciones
"create column( id=<an integer> tabsequence=<an integer> accelerator='<a single letter>' moveable=<0 - False, 1 - True> resizeable=<0 - False, 1 - True> pointer='<Arrow!, Cross!, HourGlass!, IBeam!, Icon!, Size!, SizeNESW!, SizeNS!, SizeNWSE!, SizeWE!, UpArrow!, or cursor filename (with path)>' band=<Detail, Footer, Header, Header.<group #>, Summary, Trailer.<group #>, Background, Foreground>" + &
" por='<an integer>' y='<an integer>' bitmapname=<Yes or No> criteria.dialog=<Yes or No> criteria.override_edit=<Yes or No> format='<constant string containing display format (i.e., [general]) for col (can also be an expression)>' alignment='<0 - Left, 1 - Right, 2 - Center>' criteria.required=<Yes or No> height.autosize=<Yes or No> border='<0 - None, 1- Shadow, 2 - Box, 3 - Resize, 4 - Underline, 5 - 3D Lowered, 6 - 3D Raised>' color='<a long>' height='<an integer>' width='<an integer>' name=<string> tag='<string>'"+&
" background.mode='<0 - Opaque, 1 - Transparent>' background.color='<a long>' font.face='<name of type face (i.e., SYSTEM, COURIER)>' font.height='<negative number for points, positive number for PBUs (i.e., -10 = 10 points, 10 = 10 PBUs>' font.weight='<400 - Normal, 700 - Bold>' font.family='<0 - AnyFont, 1 - Roman, 2 - Swiss, 3 - Modern, 4 - Script, 5 - Decorative>' font.pitch='<0 - default, 1 - Fixed, 2 - Variable>' font.charset='<0 - Ansi, 1 - default, 2 - Symbol, 128 - Shift JIS, 255 - OEM>' font.italic='<0 - False, 1 - True>' font.strikethrough='<0 - False, 1 - True>' font.underline='<0 - False, 1 - True>' html.link='<URL (with or without parameters) that is used to generate a link for each row of the particular column>' html.linktarget='<Target frame or window that is used to as part of the generated link for each row of the particular column>' html.linkargs='<argName>='<expr>' [<argName>='<expr>'] ...'"+&
" edit.validatecode=<Yes or No> edit.focusrectangle=<Yes or No> edit.format=<constant string containing display format (i.e., [general]) for col (can also be an expression)> edit.nilisnull=<Yes or No> edit.password=<Yes or No> edit.required=<Yes or No> edit.hscrollbar=<Yes or No> edit.limit=<max number of chars the user can type (0 - 32767)> edit.codetable=<Yes or No> edit.displayonly=<Yes or No> edit.autovscroll=<Yes or No> edit.case=<Any, Upper or Lower> edit.autohscroll=<Yes or No> edit.autoselect=<Yes or No> edit.vscrollbar=<Yes or No> edit.name='<repository style name, if any>') ")