Informes Crystal Report9 desde VB6
Tengo informes hechos con CR5, ahora he instalado CR9 y Access 2000, me da el siguiente error el que no salgo. 20525 de CR el código es el siguiente:
Dim X As Integer
With MDIForm1!CrystalReport1
.Destination = crptToWindow
'.Destination = crptToPrinter
.SelectionFormula = Seleccion
.SortFields(0) = "+{Saa.idVtan}"
.Formulas(0) = "Titulo"
.ReportFileName = "Saavtan.rpt"
.DataFiles(0) = UbiBaseDatos
End With
'MDIForm1.CrystalReport1.Action = 1
X = MDIForm1.CrystalReport1.PrintReport
If X <> 0 Then Call ErroresCrystal(X)
Dim X As Integer
With MDIForm1!CrystalReport1
.Destination = crptToWindow
'.Destination = crptToPrinter
.SelectionFormula = Seleccion
.SortFields(0) = "+{Saa.idVtan}"
.Formulas(0) = "Titulo"
.ReportFileName = "Saavtan.rpt"
.DataFiles(0) = UbiBaseDatos
End With
'MDIForm1.CrystalReport1.Action = 1
X = MDIForm1.CrystalReport1.PrintReport
If X <> 0 Then Call ErroresCrystal(X)
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