What are the similarities and differences between Java and JavaScript?
Here's a quick comparison of the similarities and differences between Java and JavaScript:
Point of difference
Java is a static, object-oriented, cross-platform programming language. JavaScript is a dynamic programming language (or scripted language) used to make web pages and applications come to life.
Java is class-based, while JavaScript is dynamic.
Java is an independent language. JavaScript is more dependent, meaning it works with HTML and CSS on web pages to create dynamic content.
In 2019, JavaScript is a must-learn for web developers, as it is used pretty much everywhere, while Java is considered a previous generation programming language (however, certainly a lot more). Many sites still use it). png free
As the article said above, there are not many similarities between Java and JavaScript. It is possible to point out some similarities in both these programming languagesas follows:
Both Java and JavaScript are most commonly used in client-side applications
Both Java and JavaScript use the C
JavaScript copies some of Java's naming conventions.