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Al español
Estoy necesitando la tarduccion al español de este tema This Year's Love This years love had better last Heaven knows it's high time And I've been waiting on my own too long But when you hold me like you do It feels so right I start to forget How my...
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Microsoft Excel
Excel solo para expertos
Calculo con fórmula El tema e sle siguiente tengo que calcualrq ue si por valor es iagul o maor a 70 me ponga 75 y si es menor que me haga un proporcional entre ese valor y 90 Ej COLUMNA 1 70 COLUMNA 2 = 70 COLUMNA 1 60 COLUMNA 2 SIA1<70*70/90 La...
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ALguien me podria traducir este tema
Heavy On My Heart I try to fly away but it's impossible And every breath I take gives birth to deeper sighs And for a moment I am weak So it's hard for me to speak Even though we're underneath the same blue sky If I could paint a picture of this...
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Someone´s watching over me
Necesito la letra de este tema en español Someone´s watching over me I found myself today Oh I found myself and ran away Something pulled me back The voice of reason I forgot I had All I know is you're not here to say What you always used to say But...
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Traducir a castellano
Necesito conurgencia esta letra en castellano please. You'll Be In My Heart Come stop your crying it will be all right Just take my hand and hold it tight I will protect you from all around you I will be here don't you cry. For one so small, you seem...
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