Werneree Granadosotte

Werneree Granadosotte

 Filipinas @wernereegranadosotte desde - visto


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Como vender mis cuadros por internet

I agree with vicorte on this one, you can sell those painting of yours on those website he shared. I hope that more people will see your art gallery online and purchase them. Please keep on being awesome and use your talent and you will become...
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¿Puedo vender por internet siendo particular?

I think you can sell online as a private individual but I don't know which document you will need to run your business as a legitimate one. download the bubble witch saga online play free if you are looking for an adventure in this bubble popping...

¿Debo pagar algún impuesto por traer el dinero de la venta de mi piso en argentina?

The first response is the most clear answer that I see here, I hope that you won't be charge a high amount of tax when you transfer your money, keep safe always! If you are looking for a free game to play on your mobile or PC you can check Among Us...

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