Buscar en msflexgrid

Tengo un msflexgrid y un data conectado a una tabla de access 97, el cual quiero buscar registros pero a partir de un rango de fechas, por ejemplo escribir en un text1 (02/02/2005) y en un text2 (03/03/2005), y que me aparescan en el msflexgrid todos los registros que esten en ese rango de fechas.
Si me puedieras ayudar te lo agradeceria...

1 Respuesta

Puedes crear un filtro y anexarlo:
O directamente el control data
Y verifica el siguiente segmento de código:
Re: Problem with VB6, DAO, Data Control: Update does not work
* From: Andrew Ayers <aayers ( at ) eldocomp ( dot ) com>
* To: Wolfgang Fürtbauer <w ( dot ) fuertbauer ( at ) eunet ( dot ) at>
* Subject: Re: Problem with VB6, DAO, Data Control: Update does not work
* Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2004 16:31:13 -0700
Wolfgang Fürtbauer wrote:
If you have a choice (that is, this is a new application you are
developing or something) - go with ADO instead of DAO. About a year or
so back I did a conversion of an application from Access 97 to PG, and
most of it was in DAO. I had a lot of problems, switched to ADO and
things cleared up nicely (look in the archives for GENERAL and ODBC
lists to see my experiences).
Now, some of this may have been related to a combo of older ODBC driver
issues and older PG installs, which may be different today - but I don't
regret having to switch the application over...
> Dear list,
> I have the following problem with VB6 and the Data control:
> SQL Update statement generated by "data1.recordset.update" does
> Not work (0 records updated); here is an example:
> -- from /var/log/postgresql --
> update Auftrag SET kdland='D', kdplz='54497', kdort='MORBACH' ,
> kdstrasse='Bahnhofstrasse 8' ,
> kdwhrg='EUR' , kurs='1'::float4 , sktotage=10 , sktoproz='4'::float4 ,
> sktotage2=0 ,
> sktoproz2='0'::float4 , zieltage=30 , rabproz='5'::float4 , valutatage=2
> , zako=4
> WHERE "datum" = '2002-03-25'::date AND "lieferdatum" = '2002-03-25'::date
> AND "kdname" = 'MODE - TREFF' AND "kdbranche" = ' ' AND "kdland" = 'D'
> AND "kdplz" = '54497' AND "kdort" = 'MORBACH' AND "kdstrasse" =
> 'Bahnhofstrasse 8'
> AND "kdwhrg" = 'EUR' AND "kurs" = '1'::float4 AND "sktotage" = 10
> AND "sktoproz" = '4'::float4 AND "sktotage2" = 0 AND "sktoproz2" =
> '0'::float4
> AND "netto" = '122.7'::float4 AND "zieltage" = 30 AND "vkart" = 2 AND
> "zaart" = 1
> AND "druckkz" = 'D' AND "vertreter" = 19 AND "vtprovision" = 19 AND
> "rabproz" = '7'::float4
> AND "rabwert" = '5.225'::float4 AND "provision" = 100 AND "valutatage" = 0
> AND "zako" = 4 AND "nachlassprozent" = '0'::float4 AND "nachlasswert" =
> '0'::float4
> AND "dringlichkeit" = 0 AND "nr" = 39277 AND "eadresse" = 0 AND "kdnr" =
> 99624
> AND "notizen" = 'Brief VE dazu'
> -- end from /var/log/postgresql --
> I found out, after removing the "rabwert" = '5.225'::float4 from the
> where-clause,
> the update worked; so I had a look with the VB-Debugger at the value of
> data1.recordset!rabwert
> just before update and: the value was 5.225
> Why does the update not work ?
> Environment:
> ------------
> psql (PostgreSQL) 7.4.2
> ODBC-Driver
> VB 6 SP 5
> Data control created with:
> With data1
> .Connect = myConn.Connect
> .DatabaseName = ""
> .DefaultType = dbUseODBC
> .DefaultCursorType = dbUseODBCCursor
> .Options = dbExecDirect
> .Readonly = false
> .RecordSource = "Select * from auftrag where nr = 39277"
> .Exclusive = False
> .Refresh
> .edit
> End With
> Connection:
> Set myConn = myWs.OpenConnection("faktconn",
> DbDriverNoPrompt,
> False.

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