Aqui va un contador que baje de internet que esta muy bueno. <? $cfile = ""; $localip = ""; $serverip = ""; # Enter information on the next line, but only after you read the "c-readme.txt" file. $browser_id = ""; if (file_exists ($cfile)) { $fp = fopen ($cfile,"r+"); $data = fgets ($fp,25); $ip = chop (substr($data,0,15)); $count = substr($data,15); # Unremark the second "if" statement and remark the first one if your site is on a hosted # server and you have a dynamic IP, but only after you read the "c-readme.txt" file. if ($REMOTE_ADDR == $localip or $REMOTE_ADDR == $serverip) # if ($REMOTE_ADDR == substr_count($HTTP_USER_AGENT,$browser_id) > 0) $np = $ip; else $np = $REMOTE_ADDR; if ($np != $ip) $count += 1; rewind ($fp); fputs ($fp,substr($np." ",0,15).$count); fclose ($fp); echo $count; } else { $fp = fopen($cfile,"w"); $np = $REMOTE_ADDR; $count = "1"; fputs ($fp,substr($np." ",0,15).$count); fclose ($fp); echo $count; } ?>