Quiero direccionar un Mail Form a mi correo y coloco el siguiente código de fuente
<FORM ACTION="[email protected]" METHOD="POST"
Campo de ejemplo: <INPUT NAME="nombre del campo" size="30">
Cuando le hago click en SUBMIT, recibo como respuesta:
501 Not Implemented
Cannot POST with this URL /[email protected].
Most likely, this was an attempt to execute a CGI program located in an area not configured to hold executable CGI programs. Please contact the server administrator at [email protected] to correct the problem. Please save this error message. Also, please return to the referring document and note the hypertext link that led you here.
Cómo lo resuelvo
<FORM ACTION="[email protected]" METHOD="POST"
Campo de ejemplo: <INPUT NAME="nombre del campo" size="30">
Cuando le hago click en SUBMIT, recibo como respuesta:
501 Not Implemented
Cannot POST with this URL /[email protected].
Most likely, this was an attempt to execute a CGI program located in an area not configured to hold executable CGI programs. Please contact the server administrator at [email protected] to correct the problem. Please save this error message. Also, please return to the referring document and note the hypertext link that led you here.
Cómo lo resuelvo
1 Respuesta
Respuesta de chujalt