¿Como se puede programar un form desde un prg, esto es, sin utilizar el generador de forms? ¿Como se utiliza OLE DB para acceder a una base de datos Oracle desde VFP 7.0?
1 respuesta
Respuesta de miron
miron, ¡¡La vida es un constante movimiento, la quietud es la muerte!!
Con respecto de tu pregunta 1 Te pongo un ejemplo: forma = CREATEOBJECT("form") forma.show READ events DEFINE CLASS form1 AS form Top = 7 Left = 75 Height = 280 Width = 422 DoCreate = .T. ShowTips = .T. Caption = "Graficador Davphantom" Name = "Form1" ADD OBJECT label2 AS label WITH ; BorderStyle = 1, ; Caption = "", ; Height = 1, ; Left = 300, ; Top = 168, ; Width = 37, ; BackColor = RGB(255,0,0), ; Name = "Label2" ADD OBJECT label3 AS label WITH ; BorderStyle = 1, ; Caption = "", ; Height = 0, ; Left = 372, ; Top = 168, ; Width = 37, ; BackColor = RGB(255,255,0), ; Name = "Label3" ADD OBJECT text1 AS textbox WITH ; Alignment = 3, ; Value = 0, ; Format = "", ; Height = 25, ; InputMask = "", ; Left = 24, ; Top = 48, ; Width = 97, ; Name = "Text1" ADD OBJECT text2 AS textbox WITH ; Alignment = 3, ; Value = 0, ; Format = "", ; Height = 25, ; InputMask = "", ; Left = 24, ; Top = 84, ; Width = 97, ; Name = "Text2" ADD OBJECT text3 AS textbox WITH ; Alignment = 3, ; Value = 0, ; Format = "", ; Height = 25, ; InputMask = "", ; Left = 24, ; Top = 120, ; Width = 97, ; Name = "Text3" ADD OBJECT command1 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 168, ; Left = 12, ; Height = 25, ; Width = 121, ; Caption = "Generar Gráfico", ; Name = "Command1" ADD OBJECT label1 AS label WITH ; BackStyle = 1, ; BorderStyle = 1, ; Caption = "", ; Height = 1, ; Left = 228, ; Top = 168, ; Width = 37, ; BackColor = RGB(0,0,255), ; Name = "Label1" ADD OBJECT label6 AS label WITH ; AutoSize = .T., ; FontBold = .F., ; FontName = "MS Sans Serif", ; FontSize = 9, ; WordWrap = .T., ; BackStyle = 1, ; Caption = "Digite los valores que desee graficar, en este caso solo son 3 valores pero podra hacerlo para los que desee. El truco es simplemente una regla de 3. Observen el código", ; Height = 41, ; Left = 12, ; Top = 7, ; Width = 382, ; Name = "Label6" ADD OBJECT command2 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 204, ; Left = 288, ; Height = 27, ; Width = 84, ; Caption = "Command2", ; Name = "Command2" PROCEDURE command1.Click * Determino cual es el mayor valor de los 3 digitado IF thisform.Text1.Value > thisform.text2.Value and thisform.Text1.Value > thisform.text3.Value valmayor = thisform.Text1.Value ELSE IF thisform.Text2.Value > thisform.text3.Value valmayor = thisform.Text2.Value ELSE valmayor = thisform.Text3.Value ENDIF ENDIF ***************************************************** * REALIZA EL GRAFICO CON UNA REGLA DE TRES * ***************************************************** thisform.LockScreen = .t. thisform.Label1.Height = (200 * thisform.Text1.Value)/valmayor thisform.Label2.Height = (200 * thisform.Text2.Value)/valmayor thisform.Label3.Height = (200 * thisform.Text3.Value)/valmayor thisform.Label3.Top = 247 - thisform.Label3.Height thisform.Label2.Top = 247 - thisform.Label2.Height thisform.Label1.Top = 247 - thisform.Label1.Height thisform.LockScreen = .f. ENDPROC PROCEDURE command2.Click lcFile = GETFILE("DOC") loWord = CREATEOBJECT("Word.Application") loWord.Documents.Open(lcFile) loWord.Application.Visible = .T. RELEASE loWord ENDPROC Enddefine Con respecto de tu pregunta 2: Creas el DSN (supongo que ya sabes como hacerlo) y después lo accesas así: Nhandle = SQLCONNECT('basededatos','User','password') if Nhandle>0 Then if S