Grids, grids, grids...

Como puedo consultar un valor contenido en un grid en la columna n i la fila m. Hasta ahora utilizaba el ACTIVATECELL pero me encuentro que cuando pongo la columna no visible o a ancho 0 no me lo encuentra. ¿Hay alguna otra manera de coger los valores de dichas columnas?

1 respuesta

GridHitTest Method
See Also
ActivateCell Method | ActiveColumn Property | ActiveRow Property | MCOL( ) | MROW( )
Applies To: Grid Control
Returns, as output parameters, the components of a grid control corresponding to specified horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) coordinates.
Grid.GridHitTest(nXCoord_In, nYCoord_In
[, nWhere_Out [, nRelRow_Out [, nRelCol_Out [, nView_Out]]]])
Specifies the horizontal (X) position in pixels within the form containing the grid.
Specifies the vertical (Y) position in pixels within the form containing the grid.
An output parameter that contains a value corresponding to the grid component at the position specified with nXCoord_In and nYCoord_In. The following table lists the values for @nWhere_Out and the corresponding grid component. @nWhere_Out Grid component
0 A grid component that cannot be determined.
1 Column header.
2 Between column headers.
3 Cell.
4 Reserved.
5 SplitBar.
6 Record deletion marker.
7 Reserved
8 Reserved.
9 Reserved.
10 Reserved.
11 Box in upper left corner.
12 Record marker.
13 Column header sizing area.
14 Row sizing area.
15 Reserved.
16 Horizontal scrollbar.
17 Vertical scrollbar.
An output parameter containing the relative grid row at the specified point.
An output parameter containing the relative grid column at the specified point.
An output parameter containing a value corresponding to the grid pane containing the specified point. If the grid is split into two panes, this parameter contains 0 if the specified point is in the left pane, and contains 1 if the specified point is in the right pane. If the grid isn't split into separate panes, this parameter contains 1.
The GridHitTest( ) method returns true (.T.) if the specified point is within the grid; otherwise false (.F.) is returned.
The GridHitTest( ) method can be used during mouse events or OLE drop target events to determine where the mouse pointer is positioned over the grid. The nRelRow_Out and nRelCol_Out parameters can be passed to the ActivateCell( ) method to activate a specific cell in the grid.
Un saludo
Debido a que tengo varias preguntas que no tienen puntaje, a veces paso a estado "no disponible" automaticamente, por lo cual los usuarios no me pueden hacer preguntas... Debido a ello necesito que puntues la pregunta para liberar espacio en mi pagina de
Un saludo

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