Como puedo consultar un valor contenido en un grid en la columna n i la fila m. Hasta ahora utilizaba el ACTIVATECELL pero me encuentro que cuando pongo la columna no visible o a ancho 0 no me lo encuentra. ¿Hay alguna otra manera de coger los valores de dichas columnas? GRACIAS DE ANTEMANO
1 respuesta
Respuesta de falvarez
falvarez, VFP 7.0 y anteriores (6 años). Solamente soluciones de...
GridHitTest Method See Also ActivateCell Method | ActiveColumn Property | ActiveRow Property | MCOL( ) | MROW( ) Applies To: Grid Control Returns, as output parameters, the components of a grid control corresponding to specified horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) coordinates. Grid.GridHitTest(nXCoord_In, nYCoord_In [, nWhere_Out [, nRelRow_Out [, nRelCol_Out [, nView_Out]]]]) Parameters nXCoord_In Specifies the horizontal (X) position in pixels within the form containing the grid. nYCoord_In Specifies the vertical (Y) position in pixels within the form containing the grid. nWhere_Out An output parameter that contains a value corresponding to the grid component at the position specified with nXCoord_In and nYCoord_In. The following table lists the values for @nWhere_Out and the corresponding grid component. @nWhere_Out Grid component 0 A grid component that cannot be determined. 1 Column header. 2 Between column headers. 3 Cell. 4 Reserved. 5 SplitBar. 6 Record deletion marker. 7 Reserved 8 Reserved. 9 Reserved. 10 Reserved. 11 Box in upper left corner. 12 Record marker. 13 Column header sizing area. 14 Row sizing area. 15 Reserved. 16 Horizontal scrollbar. 17 Vertical scrollbar. nRelRow_Out An output parameter containing the relative grid row at the specified point. nRelCol_Out An output parameter containing the relative grid column at the specified point. nView_Out An output parameter containing a value corresponding to the grid pane containing the specified point. If the grid is split into two panes, this parameter contains 0 if the specified point is in the left pane, and contains 1 if the specified point is in the right pane. If the grid isn't split into separate panes, this parameter contains 1. Remarks The GridHitTest( ) method returns true (.T.) if the specified point is within the grid; otherwise false (.F.) is returned. The GridHitTest( ) method can be used during mouse events or OLE drop target events to determine where the mouse pointer is positioned over the grid. The nRelRow_Out and nRelCol_Out parameters can be passed to the ActivateCell( ) method to activate a specific cell in the grid. Un saludo
Debido a que tengo varias preguntas que no tienen puntaje, a veces paso a estado "no disponible" automaticamente, por lo cual los usuarios no me pueden hacer preguntas... Debido a ello necesito que puntues la pregunta para liberar espacio en mi pagina de Un saludo