

 Venezuela @perelbreak desde - visto

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Ayuda please

respondió: Eso es porque tienes bloqueadas las ventanas emergentes.
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Estimados Expertos!

Se que esta no debe ser las mejores de las preguntas, pero espero contar con el mejor de sus apoyos. Mi novia tiene algunas amigos que yo no conozco y sinceramente creo que ella y otra persona se están burlando de mi y se están enviando correos...
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Hi expert

respondió: Hi! Well, about the first question, I´m sorry but, as far as I know, there´s not any rule. You just have to learn it by reading (and memorising) lists of adjectives-adverbs. The difference between do and make is quite a problem. Again the best thing...
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Hi expert

respondió: Well, unfortunaly there is not rule for transform an adjective in a adverb in "universal" form, you told me that is necessary add the ending LY, but exist some few exceptions to that rule, you must learn them one by one, the example that you wrote is...
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