¿Quién da la garantía fabrica o el vendedor?

La empresa de muebles donde yo realice la compra no me facilita la garantía de mi mueble escudándose que la Fabrica donde se hace el mueble esta cerrada el mes de Agosto.
Yo exijo esa garantía mediante una hoja de reclamaciones ya que la llevo pidiendo desde el 15 de julio, osease incluso 15 días antes del mes de agosto por lo que me parece una excusa inadmisible y exijo mi garantía por escrito en dicha hoja de reclamaciones. Ellos alegan en la contestación de dicha hoja de reclamaciones, que no me la pueden dar porque la "Fabrica" donde se realizo mi mueble esta cerrada... Pero en mi humilde opinión, yo creo que el que me tiene que facilitar la garantía es el establecimiento que me vendió y no la fabrica ( Vamos que es una excusa en toda regla y eso reafirmo en la hoja de reclamaciones )
¿Pueden tener razón el comercial en eso de que la empresa que me vendió el mueble no me la podía facilitar ( la garantía) hasta que habrá Fabrica y se la den los de fabrica?... ¿O por el contrario al hacer esta hoja de reclamaciones y transmitirla en la delegación de consumo de mi comunidad autónoma les caiga una sanción económica por incumplir con la ley de garantía en la venta de bienes de consumo?
( Ya que que ami puede que me tomen el pelo, pero a la oficina municipal del consumidor no creo que le tomen mucho el pelo ...)

3 Respuestas

En principio y según la ley de defensa de los consumidores y usuarios quien responde frente al consumidor es el vendedor (sin perjuicio de la posibilidad de este de dirigirse posteriormente frente al fabricante)
El consumidor tiene la posibilidad, que no obligación, de dirigirse directamente contra el fabricante
Según el art 124 de la ley: Cuando al consumidor y usuario le resulte imposible o le suponga una carga excesiva dirigirse frente al vendedor por la falta de conformidad de los productos con el contrato podrá reclamar directamente al productor con el fin de obtener la sustitución o reparación del producto.
Con carácter general, y sin perjuicio de que la responsabilidad del productor cesara, a los efectos de este titulo, en los mismos plazos y condiciones que los establecidos para el vendedor, el productor responderá por la falta de conformidad cuando ésta se refiera al origen, identidad o idoneidad de los productos, de acuerdo con su naturaleza y finalidad y con las normas que los regulan.
Quien haya respondido frente al consumidor y usuario dispondrá del plazo de un año para repetir frente al responsable de la falta de conformidad. Dicho plazo se computa a partir del momento en que se completó el saneamiento

Anyone should adhere to the roles, and be held accountable for any actions related to their job. There will be no excuse for any illegal actAnyone should adhere to the roles, and be held accountable for any actions related to their job Madalin Stunt Cars. There will be no excuse for any illegal act.


It sounds like you're dealing with a frustrating situation, and it's great that you're taking steps to address it. To clarify your question, in most consumer protection laws (such as those in the EU, and similar ones in other countries), the responsibility for providing a guarantee or warranty typically lies with the seller, not the manufacturer or factory. This means that the company that sold you the furniture should be the one to issue the guarantee, regardless of whether or not the factory is open or operational.

The claim that the factory being closed is the reason they can’t provide you with the guarantee doesn’t seem to hold much weight from a legal standpoint. Your right to a guarantee is with the company you purchased from, and they can’t avoid their obligation by pointing to the manufacturer’s schedule or operations.

If the seller is refusing to provide the guarantee, and you have already made formal complaints, escalating this to the consumer office of your autonomous community is a good move. Consumer protection agencies have the authority to investigate such complaints and can apply sanctions if the seller is found to be in violation of consumer protection laws. These sanctions can indeed include financial penalties for not adhering to the legal requirements for warranties and guarantees on consumer goods.

To strengthen your position:

  1. Document everything: Keep a record of all your communication with the seller, including emails, phone calls, and any other correspondence.

  2. Understand your rights: Consumer laws typically give you a warranty period (which can be two years in many places, depending on the nature of the product), and the seller should be held accountable for honoring that.

  3. File the complaint: When submitting your complaint to the consumer office, clearly state that you have been asking for the guarantee since July 15 and that the excuse about the factory being closed is not an acceptable reason for withholding the guarantee. The more detail you can provide, the stronger your case will be.

The seller may not be "pulling your leg" entirely, but their argument about the factory closure certainly seems like an attempt to avoid fulfilling their legal obligations. The consumer office should be able to give you a clearer resolution, and if the seller is found in violation, they could face a penalty for failing to comply with the law.

In short, you are right to demand your guarantee from the seller, and filing a complaint with the consumer office is likely the best course of action.

It sounds like you're dealing with a frustrating situation, and it's great that you're taking steps to address it. To clarify your question, in most consumer protection laws (such as those in the EU, and similar ones in other countries), the responsibility for providing a guarantee or warranty typically lies with the seller, not the manufacturer or factory. This means that the company that sold you the furniture should be the one to issue the guarantee, regardless of whether or not the factory is open or operational.

The claim that the factory being closed is the reason they can’t provide you with the guarantee doesn’t seem to hold much weight from a legal standpoint. Your right to a guarantee is with the company you purchased from, and they can’t avoid their obligation by pointing to the manufacturer’s schedule or operations.

If the seller is refusing to provide the guarantee, and you have already made formal complaints, escalating this to the consumer office of your autonomous community is a good move. Consumer protection agencies have the authority to investigate such complaints and can apply sanctions if the seller is found to be in violation of consumer protection laws. These sanctions can indeed include financial penalties for not adhering to the legal requirements for warranties and guarantees on consumer goods.

To strengthen your position:

  1. Document everything: Keep a record of all your communication with the seller, including emails, phone calls, and any other correspondence.

  2. Understand your rights: Consumer laws typically give you a warranty period (which can be two years in many places, depending on the nature of the product), and the seller should be held accountable for honoring that.

  3. File the complaint: When submitting your complaint to the consumer office, clearly state that you have been asking for the guarantee since July 15 and that the excuse about the factory being closed is not an acceptable reason for withholding the guarantee. The more detail you can provide, the stronger your case will be.

The seller may not be "pulling your leg" entirely, but their argument about the factory closure certainly seems like an attempt to avoid fulfilling their legal obligations. The consumer office should be able to give you a clearer resolution, and if the seller is found in violation, they could face a penalty for failing to comply with the law.

In short, Bringermedia you are right to demand your guarantee from the seller, and filing a complaint with the consumer office is likely the best course of action.

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